14 ↛ Bumps & Bruises

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"Mommy, do I have to go to school? Shelby isn't coming today ." Cyd asked as her mom put her breakfast down on the table.

"Yes, sweetie. You can't stay home today because I have to go to work today." Her mother replied.

Cyd pouted.

"Eat your breakfast. You don't want to be late for the bus." her mother said as Cyd pushed her bowl away.

"I don't wanna." Cyd said.

"Cyd." her mother said warningly.

"I'm gonna go outside and wait for the bus." she said jumping off Her chair and grabbing her book bag.

"Wait for the bus at the curb."

"I know." Cyd yelled before walking outside and walking to the curb.

The curb was literally 10 ft from their house so Cyd's mom could see her from the porch.

The 6 year old sat on the curb with her head leaning against her arm which was supported by her knee.

The bus came after 10 minutes of waiting.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁

"Time for recess ." the teacher, Mrs. Walden , announced.

All the little kids ran out the door and out onto the playground.

Cyd was the last one to make it outside, which was weird since she was always the first.

She walked over to an empty swing and hopped on. She slowly swung back and forth and she slowly picked up speed.

Suddenly, a boy came over to her.

"May I help you?" Cyd asked .

"Yeah, I want that swing." The boy announced.

"Well, I'm using it so get lost." Cyd backfired.

The little boy huffed.

"I'm not leaving until I get that swing." The boy yelled.

Cyd jumped off the swing and stomped over to the boy, who wore a leather jacket and all dark colors.

"It was my swing first." Cyd says calmly, trying to keep her cool.

"Not anymore." The boy responds as he pushes her and then tackles her down.

Cyd's reflexes kick in and she immediately punches the little kid in the stomach.

She had gotten frightened and that's what happens when she gets scared.

The teacher finally notices the 2 kids bickering and fighting before finally running over to them.

She pulls Cyd of the little boy before paying attention to the boy sprawled out on the ground.

"Cyd Ripley." The teacher says picking up the little boy.

"Go inside. Now!" The teacher yells.

Cyd stomps all the way back inside the building, without noticing a boy with a hat walk by herside.

She opens the door and walks to her seat.

"Are you okay?" The boy asks, scaring Cyd making her punch towards him, making him duck before he got hit.

"Woah. Careful." He says, taking a seat next to her.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I wanna know why you seem so upset. I saw that boy , Jerry, I think was his name. No, I think his name was Blake. Yeah, Blake. That's a cool name, Blake. B~l~a- "

"You're getting off topic." Cyd says , interrupting the boy with the hat.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I saw Blake push you." He says.

"Oh well that won't help. The teacher hates me." Cyd replies.

"Well, I don't hate you." He says.

"I don't know you...hat boy?" She says, warily

"Name's Naldo. Naldo Montoya. " he says, with a fake accent

Cyd giggled.

"Cool. I'm Cydney. But call me Cyd, you'll regret calling me Cydney. " she warns.

"I like that name. Cyd. Cyd....what's your last name?" He asks.

"Ripley. My name is Cydney Elizabeth Riply." Cyd says.

"Well, my name is Naldo Omar Montoya."

"Naldo and Cyd."

"Cyd and Naldo."

"I like my name to go first." She giggles.

"Let's combine our names!" Naldo says, jumping in his sweet a bit.

"Cyd and Naldo."

"Cyldo!" They yell, simultaneously.

They both laugh before hugging each other.

"You'll be my best friend forever." Cyd says.

"Wait, what about that girl who isn't here today?" Naldo interjects.

"Fine, you'll be my best friend, when my best friend isnt here." Cyd says.


"I'm gonna walk you to the nurse now." Naldo says, as he takes her hand in his.


"Because you have a tiny scar on your cheek, and it's bleeding." He says, as he touches her cheek/cut , gently, making her flinch.

"Thank you." She says, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"No PDA , Mr. Montoya and Miss Ripley." The teacher calls out.

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