So I take advance art at school (its one of the 3 classes I find entertaining and it has like one of the best teacher ever)
Anyways we are doing a fall theme still life drawing in pencil. It was supposed to be done today but she let me take it home to work on it :) this is what I have so far
I have to color some more of the stones(two of them and finish one that I have already stared) the ground some of the back ground, and the corn then I'll be done!
I like it so far and most people who've seen it liked it so far too. I've even have had people ask me to draw/ shade their's.
I personally do not like the stones or how they look so far but they are hard to do and I keep messing up on them. I also don't like the lopsided pear it bugs me.;-; but oh well too bad
What do you guys think about it and sorry for spamming you guys <3
Randomwhere I'll be putting some of my art at because y not! most of these will either be from art class or art I did in my free time (witch I don't have a lot of now of days)