So I have a few friends that made a ship between pyro and night. ╥﹏╥ (I left art class for a minute and they went through my art)
Only one of my friend out of the 3 actually knew my characters back stories. The one that knew the back stories basically convinced the others to help her make a gay ship between pyro and night (despite neither of them being gay) they came up with a background story and all on how this gayness happened....In the end they wanted me to do a drawing of the ship so I ended up drawing pyro
I would also like to add no pyro is not gay, sorry but this isn't canon.(night isn't gay either)also if you can't read what pyro is saying he says, "night~sama you look lonely come here~"
I will probably regret publishing this but oh well.
Randomwhere I'll be putting some of my art at because y not! most of these will either be from art class or art I did in my free time (witch I don't have a lot of now of days)