Baby Makes Three (One Shot)

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Baby Makes Three

(One Shot)


Lacey Alexis Charles Bennett

Kelsie Laura Bennett

Stu Bennett (Wade Barrett)

Chapter Disclaimer:

I don't own anyone but Lacey and Kelsie since they are my own characters.


Stu and and his wife Lacey are expecting a baby on Stu's birthday. They want to keep the sex of their little one a surprise until the birth of their child.

August 10,2010


"Honey...I'm so tired."Lacey cried tiredly after being in labor with their baby for the past 2 hours.

"I know you are sweetie. You're almost there."Stu comforted his now in labor wife as he sat by her bedside rubbing her hand hating to see her in so much pain.

She was now exactly 6 centimeters and still had a long way to go with the delivery.

"I feel like I want to push so bad."She said as another contraction hit as she tried to breathe like she learned in her lamaze class. She was going to try and have a natural birth with their baby since Lacey never liked needles or medication.

"I know sweetheart. Just try and relax."Stu tried to calm her while stroking her hair back.

" hurts so bad."She sobbed while holding onto the railings as her pains intensified.

"Do you want any pain medications or anything to stop the pains?"Stu wanted to know since she looked to be in major pain that she needed something to relax her.

"No...I just want the pain to stop..."She cried as another contraction hit her hard making her feel like she really wanted to push.

"I wish I could make the pain stop baby."Stu comforted her as much as he could while sitting there with her.

Another hour later Lacey happened to be knocked out asleep now that the pains had subsided as the African native known as Justin Gabriel (PJ Lloyd) and the Southern OMRB (One Man Rock Band) Heath Slater came in as visitors for a little bit since they asked the nurse where their friends were after Stu had called them that they were at the hospital for Lacey.

"Hey man. How is Lace?"The South African man asked greeting his British friend hugging Stu.

"Cried herself to sleep because of the pains. She still has another hour or two to go until labor."The Preston native told him what was going on.

"She looks really tired."The Smackdown high flyer noticed walking over to the bed and watched over his "lil sister".

"She is but she's a tough cookie that girl."Stu was proud of her as he smiled at his sleeping wife.

"How long was she in labor for?"The OMRB asked curiously.

"About since we left the house this morning around 1AM when her water broke and her contractions started."The British wrestler told him as Stu sat there stroking Lacey's hair back.

"She'll be okay Stu. She's a tough girl and I know she can do this."PJ knew watching over Lacey.

"I agree with Peej. Lace can overcome the odds man."Heath agreed with his best friend.

10 minutes later Lacey woke up when another contraction hit and whimpered in her sleep.

He rubbed her back softly to rid her of any pain.

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