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Suga POV

"Hoseok shut the fuck up you been talking for a motherfucking hour I don't need you to be horsing around right now, my baby boy is in trouble .... Jackson Wang kidnapped him, SHUT THE FUCK UP HORSE" yoongi told hoseok who was blabbing on and on about how long it has been but stopped as he heard jackson Wang's name.

"That shit I knew he was up to something, he always was....."hoseok ad said through the phone It was silent, which through yoongi off. Hoseok was never silent so he knew something was off . "Hoseok spit it , what did you do"

Hoseok cleared his throat and sighed and spoke the words yoongi didn't want to hear, ever.

Jungkook POV

There where three guns out pointing to one another. Jimin was smirking I knew he had a plan. My brother, taehyung, and I didn't know that a snipper was out there that was going to shoot at all three of us, even jimin. Jimin had called him, yes, but that's the price for calling a snipper.

They kill you too.

I connected with the snippers breathing, once per minute. My heart rate slowing down. He's been there for hours. He can tell if something is wrong, he was trained, trained by my boyfriend, Min Suga.

Hoseok POV

Something was off. The raven haired boy was looking around and I felt something attach to me." Dammit he has the power, sorry jimin but I have too" I pulled up my snipper riffle and pointed into the house.

Shot one: dead

Shot two: dead

Shot three: dead(?)

Suga POV:

No no no no no no no no "dammit hoseok! How long ago was this?!?" Hoseok was thinking he was going to answer and I stopped him.

"You did it 5 hours ago, I can smell the gun residue." I spoke and then heard a knock at the door and my name being called.


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