Socially Lethal pt.1

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     Kara folded her note and placed it into an envelope beside her pillow as she removed a razor from her miniature chest and begin to slash her wrist but never shed a tear as she felt she deserved it. She found the pain exhilarating but knew she couldn't let anyone know, she decided that this was it, if she already wrote the note why not carry it out this time. Kara kept cutting and cutting hoping she could bleed out but then she just stopped not knowing why. she placed her blade into her chest and began tending to her wounds. She climbed into her bed and took her note from the envelope which read "Dear Mother, I love you and I know you will miss me but don't worry because I am still with you and this has been happening for awhile which I'm sure you know now but I cant continue. I have never been happy even when my smile is radiant I was wishing I were dead but don't blame yourself because there is nothing you could've done because I was gone a long time ago so goodbye and once again I love you" she kissed the note and then crumpled it and placed it with the others and slept.

 "WAKE UP KARA YOULL BE LATE!!!" her mother yelled from down stairs. Kara sprung from her bed sliding on her jeans and whatever long sleeve she could find and walked downstairs dreading another day of pretending she was happy and laughing with her supposedly "friends". Kara entered class hoping nobody noticed her but as soon as she entered the classroom beauty Charlotte yelled "Look who's late again" with a smirk as she walked over to Kara grabbing her wrist noticing Kara winced but thought nothing of it. "So what did ya do over the weekend? Fuck anyone yet?" she said chuckling as Kara replied "Not yet but I'm pretty sure since your the whore queen you got all dick, huh?" smiling as the two took their seats. Kara sleeve rose slightly as she drew in her notebook a boy sitting next to her noticing her scars he questioned her saying "What are those?" Kara quickly pulled down her sleeve and brushed off the boys question.

 Kara was embarrassed that the boy had noticed and so she left the class and rushed to the restroom and began to cry. Kara couldn't let anyone find out, she couldn't stop wondering what the boy thought. Worried Charlotte came rushing into the restroom to see hat had happened. "What's the mater K?" she asked with a quiver in her voice. "Nothing." Kara replied sucking up the tears hoping Charlotte didn't notice. "Alright K let me know if you need anything ok sweetie." Charlotte said as Kara nodded and they walked back to class.

 School was over so Kara left as quickly as she could just hoping to get home as soon as she could to escape from everything. Kara opened her door and saw her mother sitting on the couch crying she rushed over and asked what was wrong and her mother replied "Why didn't you tell me?" speaking through the tears with a quiver in her voice. Kara just stared an emotionless expression because she couldn't believe her mother had found the notes. Kara tried to apologize to her mother but couldn't speak. She knew there was nothing she could do to explain this to her mom so she just went to her room, collapsed onto her bed and cried. 

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