Jeju Island Trip (Part 2) - Truth or Dare

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Tuesday morning (2nd day)
They all went for breakfast before continue with their activity for today.
Suho: guys listen up today we are going for snorkeling and cruising with a big boat. We all gather at the hotel lobby at 11am bring extra clothing and we going to have fun!
All: yeahh..!!!
Chorong: girls don't forget to bring your sunblock and food, you might get hungry after doing some activities later on.
Girls: neh unnie..!

Hotel Lobby
While waiting for the hotel staff to bring them to the harbor the girls applied their sunblock and the boys some of them just sitting and waiting, some of them walking around the lobby. After 10 minutes waiting one of the staff approaching them and bring them to the harbor.

Harbor area

Arrived at the harbor there were amazed by the scenery and of course the big beautiful luxurious boat mention by Suho earlier this morning

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Arrived at the harbor there were amazed by the scenery and of course the big beautiful luxurious boat mention by Suho earlier this morning. They all jumping and feel excited because it was their first time to ride the boat like this. One by one get into the boat, last person to enter was Eunji, Chanyeol lend his hand and help but ignored by her. Chanyeol taken aback with her act and just watch her walk away and sit with the rest. The captain of the boat known as Mr. Kim start the engine and slowly handling the so call boat steering. After 10 minutes they finally arrived, Mr. Kim stop the engine and come and talk with them.
Mr. Kim: we already arrived at the snorkeling area. You guys can start wear the snorkeling equipment and have fun. We gonna stay here for 2-3 hours maximum so enjoy and if anything I'll be at my station.
All: thank you Mr. Kim!!!
Mr. Kim: most welcome..enjoy!
All: neh..!

Suho help Chorong put on the equipment and same goes to Baekhyun and Bomi. The rest they help each other and Chanyeol just looking at Eunji who is busy, he come forward and wanted to help her but she went away and join Namjoo, Naeun and Hayoung. Chanyeol feel upset with her, he keep on thinking why she suddenly change and act cold with him. They all jump together into the sea and having fun. After almost 1 hour swimming and snorkeling one by one climb back to the boat and rest except Eunji, Namjoo and Naeun. While the 3 girls play on the water Eunji suddenly feel something not right, her right leg cramp. Panic and don't know what to do she scream for help, Naeun and Namjoo try to help but is hard for them because they inside the water.
Eunji: help me!!! leg cramp!
Naeun: guys! Help Eunji..faster!

The others shocked hearing Eunji scream and look down from the boat. Chanyeol plunge into the sea and pull Eunji back to boat with help of Suho who is grab her shoulder and get into the boat. Eunji now lying on the boat and Suho try to push her leg up to make the cramp go away. Less than 5 minutes the cramp is gone, Chanyeol climb the boat and rushing go near Eunji.
Chanyeol: are you okay?
Eunji: I..I'm okay..thank you for saving me. Thanks to you too Suho oppa.
Suho: okay..
Chorong: how's your leg?
Eunji: better..

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