Birthday Gift

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It's been already almost 3 months since Chorong fly back to London, she's been busy with her work and sometimes don't have time to eat proper meal. Meanwhile Suho also continue with his project and Hyolyn have been missing after the incident with him and Chorong last time. Suho actually wonder where she go but at the same time feel happy because he can do his work in peace without any interruption. Suho and Chorong relationship in a good shape right now, they will make sure both make a time to call or at least text with each other.

Suho's Residence
Suho make himself comfortable on his bed he take his phone and dial Chorong number..

Phone conversation
Suho: hello..honey..
Chorong: hello..oppa..
Suho: I miss you honey..
Chorong: I miss you too oppa..what are you doing calling me at this hour?
Suho: I'm lying on my bed ready to sleep but before that I want to hear your voice first, are you working?
Chorong: so sweet of you, do you miss my voice? Hehe..yes, I'm working right now. You know that our time zone difference about 9 hours, right?
Suho: of course I know that honey-yah..i just want to hear my girlfriend voice that's all. You already eat?
Chorong: not yet oppa..I'm busy with the emergency cases.
Suho: yah..please take care of your health okay? Don't make me worried, I'm not there to take care of you if you fall sick.
Chorong: okay..okay..grandpa Suho! You sound really like my grandpa, geezz..
Suho: I'm just concerned that's all, is it wrong for me to feel worried for you?
Chorong: no..not at all oppa-yah..I'm sorry, I try to find time to eat when I'm free okay?
Suho: okay.. I just want to tell you that I'm gonna be super busy for the whole week starting next week monday, don't get angry with me if I'm not answering you call or not reply you text okay?
Chorong: why? Are you going somewhere?
Suho: I'm going to Japan for 3 days for meeting, after that back to Korea and preparing my monthly presentation to present in front of the CEO. Meanwhile I will visit the building sites on and off to make sure all the works is updated.
Chorong: must be tired, make sure you have enough sleep and rest after work. Don't forget to eat and drink some energy drink, take vitamin c as well so you don't fall sick easily.
Suho: okay honey..I will. You too don't overwork yourself, okay?
Chorong: okay oppa..I'm gonna miss you.
Suho: hurmm..I'm gonna miss you more..

It was true what Suho said to her, he was busy and they not talking on the phone for 5 days. Chorong try to call him but he's not answering his phone and not replying her text. She misses him so much, she was thinking about him a lot this days, curious of what he's doing. When Chorong not busy she just stay at her office and look at their pictures together. Sometimes her colleagues notice she look dreamy, mumble alone and just stare at her pc screen.
Chorong: hurmm..I guess he is so busy with work until forget that tomorrow is my birthday. How can he forget my birthday? I'm her girlfriend and he loves me so much. Aishh..rong-ah don't think too much, of course he loves you he is just busy with work that's all. He told you earlier, why you must feel upset? I'm okay..I'm fine..but at least a simple text like "happy birthday honey!!" will be more than enough for me. can make you feel more upset rong-ah, I have to understand his work like he understands my work as a doctor as well (mumble alone).
Naeun: unnie!!! Are okay?
Chorong: yah! make me startled. What are you doing here?
Naeun: unnie..I'm sitting here for almost 10 minutes, I call your phone but you didn't answer. I come here and saw you stare at your pc and start talking with no one. Are you okay? You scared me unnie.
Chorong: huh? Ohh..nothing Naeun-ah, I'm just practicing for my talk next week, I'm just memorizing my line that's all.
Naeun: (feeling suspicious) hurmm..okay..are you busy unnie?
Chorong: no, why?
Naeun: come we go for lunch?
Chorong: where?
Naeun: there is one new open cafe nearby our hospital, my friends said the food is good. You want to give a try?
Chorong: sure, why not. Come let's go.
Naeun: okay..unnie, I heard you mention Suho oppa name just now when you talking alone. Is he included on you next talk? (Laughing)
Chorong: yah!!! Naeun-ah!!!

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