cry me clean

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crying is cleansing. 

sometimes it's all too much and there's nothing left to do.

other times it's all not enough, and crying is the only way to feel relief. 

to feel alive.

to feel at all.

and people cry for different reasons.

be it that they're happy or sad,

relieved or stressed.

but there's that type of crying that puts an end to all others.

it's that kind of crying that makes you realized that you're helpless,

no way out.

the kind of crying that shows the pain,

instead of hiding it.

the kind of crying that makes all else seem fine.

when your chest heaves

throat wheezes

and your eyes sting to no end.

the kind of pain that makes you think

"this. this is real pain.

pain worse than a thousand knives or a billion bullets.

this is pain."

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