Welcome to the Mansion

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Hey guys! Thanks to everyone who is voting on this! Any feedback is more than welcome! And please don't forget to vote and recommend if you like it! I love you! :*            



The front door opened and in walked Izzy. The sound made the groupie who's head was nestled in my neck,  to jolt awake. She looked up at me sleepily and smirked then proceeded to nibble at the side of my neck but failed miserably because 5 seconds later, she fell back asleep.

"Yo Iz, where've  you been man?"

I hadn't seen him since last morning, and he even had on the same clothes as yesterday. He looked like he fell asleep in a bar and got dragged out by the collar. Well, he probably did. And I was one to talk.

"Dudeee...." he dragged " I fell asleep at the Whiskey, man," he kicked off his boots and then kicked the blonde mass slumped at the door.  The mass gave out a soft groan. " Shit Steven's fucking wasted. Hey...." he paused and looked over at me " we still have some detergent left, don' t we?"

I snorted. The groupie's hand went automatically to my crotch but she was so sleepy, her hand just landed on it and she just freaking slept.

"Detergent? You wanna finally rinse the grease outta that hair, man?" I laughed.  Izzy was so fucking random sometimes, I didn't even need to be coked up to be amused.

Izzy glared at me and stood up straighter. " For your information, I got some laundry to do",

I couldn't contain it any longer. I practically fell out of the couch laughing. The idea of Izzy doing laundry was killing me... you know since we didn't have a machine yet and he' d have to use a bucket.

"Stop laughing you fucker!!  I'm serious! I have a friend coming over tomorrow and this house better be fucking spotless when then happens! " he shouted and huffed up the stairs, muttering profanities under his breath. I caught  stuff like " yellow haired bastard..... tall motherfucking skyscraper blonde fuck... fucking douchebag...."

I finally stopped  laughing. Geez what' s got him all hot and bothered?
I crushed my cigarette butt with my foot and fell right asleep on the couch.


By noon, Izzy had got down most of our regular groupies to help clean the house. They were everywhere, walking around in  their tiny shorts and tank tops or nothing on at all sometimes , sweeping, throwing away pizza boxes and rearranging furniture. I wasn't complaining, I mean, titties everywhere, right? Plus judging by the heated moans coming from slash's room, they were helping us in other ways too.
After forcing us guys to clean out our rooms, Izzy himself was doing the most work. He was scrubbing the bathroom floor when I went in for a piss. He wasn't high for once and the bathroom looked amazing.

I zipped up and flushed. "Izzy what the fuck, man? Is your friend the fucking president? Are we entertaining the damn queen tomorrow?" I snapped, frustrated. It pissed me off because we had friends over all the time and none of them gave a crap about how our personal pig sty looked like. So who the hell was so fucking classy that we had make our house look like something out of a  magazine ?

"Bro this is important to me right? Now don't step on there , I just mopped it! Dammit, Duff!"



By next morning, the house was so sparkly it almost hurt my eyes. Izzy had even had the groupies redo our sloppily cleaned bedrooms. Apart from Axl' s that is . Funnily enough, he was a pretty neat guy.

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