Was that like ...a date?

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By the time afternoon came around, the day was becoming so hot it was in sufferable.

Duff rolled on to his back where he lay on the floor next to Izzy and groaned. " Hey Axl... why the fuck don' t we have a fucking pool, man? "

Axl didn' t reply immediately.

" ' Cos we ain' t got the cash ya ass-hat"  he said politely, turning away from the table fan he was facing but without opening his eyes.

Emily let out a laugh. Duff turned to her and glared and she stopped immediately but continued sniggering at him.

It was way too hot and humid to do anything . No one felt like going anywhere,  not even to the Whiskey.

The guys were just laying here and there ,  shirtless or only in their boxers. Axl was hogging the table fan on the counter. He sat facing it with his eyes closed,  causing his smooth hair to fly crazily behind him like he was on a boat. 

Steven had laid himself in a shady spot of grass in the garden and was holding a bottle of beer to his forehead while  Slash was seated on the counter next to Axl and was swatting flies while cursing.... He just  had on a pair of grey boxers and had tied his hair in a bushy ponytail.

Izzy was lying on his belly on the floor and was trying to write lyrics on a piece of paper. Emily sat beside him. She had a small pile of clothes next to her and was fixing the hem of one of Slash' s T-shirts.

Duff looked past Izzy and focused on Em. She looked adorable with that little frown on her face  as she concentrated on working the tiny needle.

He sighed. She hadn't shown the least bit of interest in him at all the past week. And for some infuriating reason,  he hadn' t had the guts to even attempt to flirt with her. He felt like if he did, he' d make a fool  of himself and would ruin everything. Not that there was anything to ruin in the first place.

For a guy who just needs to look at a chick for her to beg him to take her, this was driving him nuts. Em barely noticed his existence.

Well with the exception of last night when she slept on top of him basically. His stomach tumbled at the thought. Those damn butterflies again.

Suddenly there was a big black blur in front of his gaze.

"What you looking at, Duff?"

As Duff' s vision cleared,  Izzy's annoyed face came into view. He did not sound happy.

"At Emily" he breathed out and immediately stopped and  cursed under his breath. Dammit Duff when were you gonna learn to shut up? He thought. He bit his lip.

Izzy looked stunned. He scrambled to his feet and grabbed Duff' s arm " You. Come with me. Now. "  was all he said as he started to drag him away.

"Alright, alright... calm yer tits." Duff grumbled and followed Izzy to the Living room.

Izzy turned to him and before he could get a word out, Duff spoke up.
"Listen man, I know alright?" He sighed

"You know? What, how?"

" Um... she told me..."

"She told you? What the fuck, did you get her drunk? Cos I swear to god Duff--"

"No you idiot, I didn't get her drunk... she just ...uh... told me" he looked at his feet.

Izzy narrowed his eyes for a second.

" Ok Duff here's how it's gonna be right? I don't wanna be an asshole, but she's out of bounds alright? She's only here cos we haven' t seen each other in years and also I need to take her mind off that douchebag who broke her heart.
I need to fix her...." Izzy trailed away. He looked sad and guilty in a second.

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