Chapter 1

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It was a slow day at the CrowsClaw guild as the guild members paced the wooden floors waiting for the next job request.

Dear Zeref what a dead day not an assassination job in sight, croaked Luke as he strod away from the request board in the back of the guild with a flying furball tailing behind him.

Luke you know nashi not gonna be happy about this its the third week there's been no request and you need to get more food and pay your rent, stated a silver pelted cat with light blue markings on his paws.

What am i suppose  to do Silvertail, its guild rules no one takes other jobs other than there specialty and we got assassinating request. As The blond haired boy walkes to a table with a young girl with salmon colored hair petting a gray tabby.

Yo Luke any jobs, i was hoping to get some fresh fruit this week. Stated the pink haired girl as she starts to stand from her seat.

Nope not a job on the board we can take. Cried Silvertail as he jumped up onto the table.

DAMIT were gonna starve to death in this guild, and we have to bad of a record to join any guild were we could get food. Stated nashi under her breath

You mean leave the guild but we lived here  are whole lives, we were nothings and they took us in and gave us a job. We be traitors to family if we even tried leaving to join a different profession at the least.

NASHI, LUKE! Bellowed an older man with to many scars to count

As the two walked to the guild master, hoping that he even in his old age didn't hear there discussion on the other side of the room.

I have decided me need to get more professional and become one of the most feared dark guild in fiore, so I've decided there's a town not to far from here i want you two to terrorize it til they send guilds to take the call of action wait till its one of the top guild to take the request and burn the village make sure they know CrowClaw guild had left the town in perrile surly then we will get more request to feed this guild. Stated the old man in a devilish smirk of joy.

Sounds like a deal we will head out right away and make sure everyone fears are name CrowClaw.
Stated nashi as she dragged her brother from the guild doors to the station without packing.

NASHIIIII STOPPPP WE NEED ARE BAGS. cried Luke as she hoped on the train with Silvertail and the gray tabby from before.

No time Come on, even Edo isn't complaining pointing to the train ride.
Pointing to the gray tom boarding the train with silvertail.

Fine but im gonna sleep the who ride.
As Luke jumped on the train and they took there seats and on there way they went.

Some time later as the train halted in a old suburb town known as lakewood, as the group of guild members got off the train they ran right to the closest place they could start trouble and they already found there prey.

Well i guess if we want to get payed soon we better start destroying the town quickly. Stated Edo as she pointed toward the town hall.

Alright then lets set this place on fire i want to eat as soon as possible.

And the group made way to the town hall and that peacefull towns will be set upside down.

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