The Sorting Hat

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The four kids entered the castle, amazed at its brilliant beauty. They stood in line, waiting for their names to be called. Adrien was first, he sat nervously on the stool and a proffesor placed The Sorting Hat on his head. It took a while until it finally yelled "HUFFLEPUFF!" Adrien was shocked what would his father say? He was a proffesor at Hogwarts and Head of Slytherin House! He walked over to the Hufflepuff table and took a glance at his father, he had a disapproving look on his face. He sat down, he earned a few claps to the back and some praises from older students.

Alya was put in Gryffindor and Nino was placed in Hufflepuff too. When Marinette was called she desperately wanted to be a Ravenclaw, she thought she deserved it after all she could complete a few charms without causing an explosion. She sat nervously on the stool while the hat was placed on her head. "Very smart, and a pure-blood too. Could be a Slytherin," it mumbled to himself.
When hearing this Marinette panicked. "Not Slytherin, Ravenclaw," she said to herself and the Sorting Hat. The hat seemed to hear her because he shouted "Not Slytherin, eh? And you want to be a Ravenclaw? What makes you think you should be a Ravenclaw?!" It half-shouted.'Why did he have to shout?' Marinette thought "Well?" The hat asked, impatiently. Marinette said it and she meant it.
"Because I deserve it!" She answered the hats question. Sweat trickled down her forehead as she waited.
"Ra-Slytherin!" It shouted, confused by its answer. So was Marinette, she thought she was going to be a Ravenclaw, it must have been trying to tease her. Shocked and nervous she sat down at the Slytherin Table, next to a kid with red hair. The red head blushes when Marinette sits down.

Soon, Tomato Boy worked up the courage to talk to Marinette, "Hi I'm Nathanael!" He said, holding out a hand to her. She gladly accepted it "I'm Marinette," she said while shaking Nathanael's hand. The two got talking, sharing laughs and exchanging facts about themselves.

During the feast Marinette learned that Nathanael like to draw, and was a very talented artist too. Nathanael learned that in her free time Marinette liked to design and loved ladybugs. Adrien saw them talking together and couldn't help but feel jealous. He wished somehow that Marinette was next to him, talking to him, laughing with him.

After the feast all first years were escorted to their dormitories, as soon as  Marinette was inside she rushed up stairs into the girls dormitories, got changed and went to sleep.

Adrien on the other hand was stressed, stressed because Marinette was with that Tomato. He got changed and went to bed. Only he couldn't sleep, a certain Raven haired girl kept interfering his sleep.

The next day Adrien rushed to get ready, when he was a pair of arms were thrown around his neck and a sloppy kiss was planted on his cheek. "Morning Adrikins!" An annoying voice said.
"Not now Chloe, I have to find someone."
"Marinette of course!" He exclaimed, he looked down at his schedule. He had History of Magic first, with the Slytherins! "That makes finding her easier," he mumbled to himself.
Marinette woke up bright and early, it was after all the first day and she didn't want to late. After putting on her robes and collecting her books and wand and other things etcetera etcetera, she raced out of the Slytherin common room and went to her first class: History of Magic. She entered the class five minutes early and sat down.
Soon after the rest of the first year Slytherins filed in and sat down, she didn't realise that the Hufflepuffs were joining them until she saw a familiar blonde towering over her. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked, smiling down at her.
"Of course not!" She beamed, smiling back. He sat down and brought out his quill and parchment as did she. The teacher walked in and began the lesson. Marinette was able to answer every question the professor asked.

After History of Magic they had DADA (defence against the dark arts) with Professor Agreste, Marinette was the best at this. Then Charms which Marinette nailed and every other class Marinette succeeded.
Then there was flying, Marinette whizzed around, she clearly was a talented witch. But in Adrien's eyes she was more than that she was brilliant, talented, smart, funny and most of all beautiful.
They had a little break, Marinette went somewhere with Nathanael so Adrien spent his break with Nino and Alya. Marinette and Nathanael were sitting down across the Forbidden Forest. While Adrien, Nino and Alya were in front of Nathanael and Marinette.
Okay short chapter but I had major writers block while writing this. But here  you are and thank you for the people who actually take the time to read this :) I'm really sorry for the short chapter.

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