The Dark Wizard

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Winter came fast and all the students couldn't help but buzz with excitement because Christmas was arriving and their first trip to Hogsmeade was in two days! Marinette chatted with Kim about their trip and was ecstatic because Kim had volunteered to show her the best places to 'hang' in Hogsmeade; Adrien couldn't help but be a little jealous (okay, maybe not a little) shouldn't he be the one showing Marinette around?

{Two Days Later}
Marinette and Kim gave their permission slips to Professor Bustier and walked to Three Broomsticks. They took a seat and ordered some butter beer. Marinette took one sip and fell in love with, she sighed in satisfaction. "It taste divine!" She she said dreamily. Kim only smiled. Then they went to Zonko's Joke Shop and brought a lot of things. Honeydukes Sweetshop was next and they practically bought the whole store. Gladrags Wizardwear was Marinette's personal favourite, she spent about 30 minutes in there and spent 20 galleons. And lastly they went to Madam Puddifoot's which Marinette thought was a little too lovey-dovey for her taste.

Later Marinette decided to wander off by herself she came across Hogsmeade Station and found out that it was isolated. She was a little dumb-founded, she walked around and saw a man with full black robes and blonde hair. She stared at him, straight into his eyes and read through his mind 'Crucio' her mouth hung open she read a little further 'Ludon' that was his name. "Don't do this, Ludon!" He merely grinned evilly and raised his wand, ready to torture her,
"Cru-" but before he could finish Marinette attempted to disarm him instead of working successfully it backfired and sent her flying back. "You foolish girl you can only use defensive charms when the wands other half is within range!" He cackled and then finished the Cruciatus Curse. Marinette screamed, she screamed so loud but no one seemed to hear her.

After 5 minutes of torturous pain Marinette lay on the floor shaking the wizard had already left. "Help," she whispered, but it was barely audible. Soon she passed out.

Adrien found Marinette in Hogsmeade Station sweating and shaking, he gingerly lifted fer from the ground and carried her to the Hospital Wing. 'She's only 13, this is too much. We obviously haven't protected her enough.' These were Gabriel's thoughts when he saw the girl unconscious. Gabriel had to make sure this wouldn't happen again, although he was sure it would happen again and the next time something worse would happen.

When Marinette awoke she was greeted by big, green eyes full of hope relief. "Mari! You're awake!" She was engulfed in a warm embrace. "What happened?" He asked after releasing his grip on her. He darted his eyes across her face; expecting a good excuse.
"Well, I wandered off by myself and found myself at the train station. It was empty so I decided to look around, then a wizard came up to me. He was a Dark Wizard and his name was Ludon. He pulled out his wand and used the Cruciatus Curse on me, I screamed but no one could hear me; he must've used the Muffliato Curse so no one could hear me. After five minutes he left, didn't do anything to me." She explained the story, then started thinking hard; as if she forgot something. Her thoughts were cut off by Adrien's voice, "I was told that there was a bruise on your back from impact, is there something you're not telling me?" His voice was stern and desperate. "No, I don't remember hitting anything. Although- no that's not what happened. I don't remember much."

"He must've taken a memory, she says she doesn't remember much and how else would she get that bruise?" Adrien said to his father as soon as he left the room. "Hmm, I need you to be with Marinette the next time you go to Hogsmeade. Your wands are related in a way so every time on of you try to use a defensive charm it will backfire; unless you are in range of each other." Adrien nodded, he was going to protect even he died.

Tikki transformed and said to Marinette, "Adrien loves you, you know." Marinette looked at her.
"No he doesn't!"
"Yes he does! Why else would he search Hogsmeade for you and carry you all the way here?"
"It was just an act of kindness!"
"No it was an act of love, bigger than any other!" Marinette sighed and fell asleep.

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