Swaragini different love story episode 28

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episode starts with sanky crying hard and shouts swara what u have done in the mean time some doctors comes
doctor- let me check her
sanky- still crying do not allow swara to come out of his lap
doctor- hey mister please let us check her but sanky did not leave swara so doctors thinks i have to check her in his lap only so he comes towards swara and check her

pulses and says she is still ALIVE by hearing this sanky happiness reached to maximum level without thinking anything he takes swara in his arm and runs towards in

his car and takes her to same hospital where her mother is placed
sanky- doctor please check her at emergency please
doctor takes her to OT
sanky was standing outside the OT like lifeless body his heart was beating very fast just than a call comes from his advocate but till 2 missed call he did not attend

call but when third time phone rings he sees caller id and immediately takes phone and this phone was sanky's advocate
advocate- sir hearing is going to start after 15 minutes so please come
sanky manages to talk and says i can not come i have urgent work and when atif comes out of jail tell him to come to xyz hospital its urgent
advocate- okk sir
now he again lost in swara's thoughts this took 2 hours after 2 hours doctor comes and says mr maheshwari i have to talk to u urgently
sanky hurriedly says yes yes pleasse tell
doctor- mr. maheshwari some days before she had given kidney to her mother
sanky- yes i know
doctor- but u do not know that the kidney which she had was not functioning properly and now her kidney is demaged
by hearing this sanky was just froze ar his place but becomes angry and shouts while crying how dare u to take her kidney even if knowing her kidney is not functioning
doctor- sir we told her many times but she did not listen what we told she only told us tha she want to give kidney so we have to do but now it is not time to talk we

had to arrange kidney and blood within 36 hours if not she will be not alive and i can not do her operation so u have to go to other good hospitals
by hearing this sanky madly ran outside the hospital and called all his workers and said please go to all hospital of kolkata if kidney is available or if aNYBODY

wants to give kidney he will give him 5 crore money so many of his worker came to give kidney but nobody tissue matched he also checked for his kidney but his kidney

also did not matched and his last hope was also lost now he was crying hard just than a person comes and tapes his shoulder he just sees him and hugs him tightly and

says i am unable to get kidney for swara
person- in shock what
sanky-tells everything to person and that person seats in utter shock and says ohh god my shona what happened to her (guys this person is none other than atif)
atif- sanky we should not lose hopes we have to do something anyhow
now sanky thinks and calls shekhar uncle and says uncle i want appointment in best hospital of switzerland and that one to whome u know personLY
SHEKHAR- okk i will talk to that doctor but for whome u are doing this much
sanky- it is not time to talk please u take appointment today and i will take them to switzerland by air ambulance
shekhar- okk beta what is the name of patients
shekhar shocked and says what but sanky cuts call by nt hearing him
now sanky calls air ambulance and atif and sanky was about to go but shekhar and his family comes and says we will also go with u
sanky- but why
shekhar- no but vt please
than they all went to switzerland


girl is shown who was lying on bed and opens her eyes
nurse sees her and runs out and says to all people standing outside that she got concious by hearing this all gets happy and sanky runs towards room first and goes

inside swara's room by taking flowers
after 30 minutes he comes out with sad and pale face and says nothing is left
atif- shock what are u telling
sanky tells him everything what happened inside room by hearing this atif gets shocked and console him no sanky u have to fight for ur love
sanky- tears drop from his eyes and says it is my payback of my wrong deeds and now everything is over and i am leaving to london to prove my love forever
atif- no u did not do anything wrong sanky please do not leave us
dp and ap were also there and says no beta u can not go to leave ur parents
sanky- i will usualy come to meet u but if u want u can come to london with me
dp- but beta
sanky did not listen anybody and left everybody with broken heart but atif was angry on one person who guys....................
it was swara (by hearing this u all may got relief u may thought she died ohhh no she did not died i was just thinking to give mild heart attack to u )
now atif enters swara's room first
seeing atif swara becomes too much happy and hugs him and says jaan u came out of jail i am happpy i can not believe my eyes but this place is new jaan where we are

and who brought here
just than a women also enters in swara's room with wheel chair by seeing her she felt that she is most lucky girl of this world she can not control her emotion so she

tries to go towards her but women says no beta please sit there only than that women comes towards swara and hug her very tightly and cries in happiness and says maaa
ya u guessed correct that she is sumi
sumi- beta please calm down and says how are u
swara- was extremely happy her smile was not getting over she says maa i am all fine now but where we are
sumi- beta we are in switzerland
swara- what???
sumi- yes beta u and me were critical in condition so we both were transfered to switzerland to get best tretement in best hospital of switzerland and i am realy happy

that u got kidney
swara shocked what so i can live
sumi- yes beta u are alright now
just than shekhar comes and says ohh my swara will not talk to her mama
swara turbs and sees him and ask mama
sumi says happily yes beta u got ur mama he is ur mama my brother shekhar
swara was in cloud nine she could not even grasped this much happiness in her life just than one more happiness comes there that is ragini and she comes and tells how

is my bhuaa'a doaughter
swara- what
ragini comes near her and says ohh baby i am ur shekhar mama's daughter so i will be ur sister only na
by hearing this swara hugs her tightly and say ohh god i think i came in heaven today i can not believe my eyes that my family is complete
and says who was the person who filled my heart with happiness
swara scaracticly says sanskar...............
atif YES
swara remembers how she behaved with him and she was totaly forgotten about him in her happiness
screen freezes on shocked and guilt face of swara and angry face of atif

guys this episode was 5th shock of swara because there were many shock so full episode was 5th shock in swara's life and my all shockes are over so guys think urself

about 1,2,3,4 shock and than 5th shock it is revealed that everything got fine in her life in 5th shock

PRECAP- swasan conversion and sumi's past will be revealed, atif gives ticket for london to swara and says JA SWARA JA JEELE APNI ZINDAGI (guys i love this sentence so i added this),

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