swaragini different love story episode 1

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guys today epi will be full of swara only and i m writing first time so i may have some gramatical problem and also i m not goood in writing skill so sory for that

now let us start with our story

episode starts with a very beautiful house with 2 room kitchen and hall which is very beautifully designed and its beauty is increased by small gardens of variety of

flower where morning sunrays are falling which makes house more beautiful and now entering to room a girl is shown which is sleeping and she is non other than swara

                                                                   % swara point of view %
when milk man comes and start ringing his cycle bell which desturbed my sleep and i imidietly rush in kitchen and went to milk man uncle
uncle- beta how is ur mom than i told she is in same condition but he consoles me and say she will be alright and please do not loose hope and than he went away and i

know this is a daily routine of consoling me but he do not know that how i can console my heart the pain in my heart can not be decreased first i do not have my father

and due to this i already listned many taunts from society but i was happy that i have mother but god do not want happiness in my life and my mom went into coma who

was my back bone because their is no one in my life other than my mom in this world to whome i can say that he is mine and without mom i am empty and than i starts

crying vigorously and this time i need shoulder who who can console me who gives me strength but no one with me no one...............

than after some time i composed my self and went into kitchen and starts making banana shake for my mother and went to my mother room who was lifeless body but i had

firm believe that my mom will be al right one day and i made her drink banana shake than i rememberedthe day when my mother went in coma that day was my happiest and

most sad day because that day my 12 exam result came and i got 93% and also toped in school
when i see the result i gor super happy and i called mom about this news and mom replied beta where are you, i told at xyz cyber cafe than my mom immidietly replied

just wait i m comming to ur place and today we will enjy party and than i beame super happy than i toldtold mom that please drive slowly because i know that when she

excited she used to drive very fast abd i was eagerly waiting for my mother to come but after 30 minutes i got a call from hospital that your mother is severly injured

and when i went to hospital than that hospital people asked me to give 5 lakh rupees for operation and than i rushed to bank but i knewed that today is sunday and i

plead to hospital doctor to do operation today and i will provide money tomorow bu they strictly told me we can not it is order of our manager and ..............

guys remaining pov will be shown in next episode and tomorow there will be entry of ragini and neha
guys do not think that it is very emotional and rona dhona type story but i want to say that this first and second epi will only be emotional

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