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Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in a village. He lived with his mother, who had only one eye.

Everyday his mother would drop him off at school. All his friends would laugh and make fun of him they used to call his mom " Cyclops". 2 weeks later it was parents day, the boy grew resentful and started hating his mother. He worked hard, got a good job, and moved far away from his mother and started a family.

The mother tried desperately to get in touch with him but it was no use. Many years later, his mother traveled far to see him and his family. When he openend the door he started screaming at her, telling her how he hates her and asking why she bothered coming. His children started laughing at her and said " Who is this ugly monster?!"

The son never heard from her again til 20 years later, when she died he went to her grave to visit her. He then found out she left something for him in her will.

This is what it said:

Dear son,

I know you probably hate me because of all the embarrassment I've cause you. But this is how I lost my eye. When you were young you got into a fatal car accident.  Your father died straight away and you were in an unstable condition. You had lost one eye. So I gave up one of mine so you could live a normal life. I have always loved you no matter what.

Best wishes,


The son dropped the will to the floor,  and realized what had happend. He regretted what he did for the rest of his life.

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