Day 2

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Lauren's P.O.V


I was on my stroll through the park when I noticed something that I hadn't ever before.

I took walks through the park whenever I couldn't take everything at home and just got too stressed. Sometimes I just had to get out and clear my mind. The park was my favorite place to do so, because the sun was always out, it was always bright and cheery, where people would play and be happy.

But, after I had passed the lake, I had looked over to my left for whatever reason. I never had before, but when I did, what I saw over at the furthest park bench away from people was a girl, sitting all by herself.

When I saw her, I had stopped walking.

Looking closer, her eyes were fixed on the ground in front of her with a blank expression on her face. She had long soft brown hair that flowed in the gentle wind. She looked lonely.

The strangest thing is that she had two ice-creams. She took little tentative bites at one whereas the other was untouched.

I'm not sure what it was that made me walk over to her, but I did.

On my way over, she hadn't looked up until I was right in front of her and offered a greeting.

'Hi.' I tried gently and her head snapped upwards, almost like she had been in a trance. I could see that her eyes were a kind chocolate brown.

Her eyebrows furrowed downward, changing her blank expression into one of surprise and confusion.

'Hello.' Her reply came out in the form of a soft, yet strong voice. Something about her was intriguing, and I wanted to find out what.

'Is anyone sitting here?' I questioned, motioning to the empty spot on the bench with my hand.

'No, you can sit if you'd like.' She shook her head.

I did want, so I seated myself next to the girl, leaning back into the bench and breathing a quiet sigh as a light breeze floated through the park.

I turned my head to the left and I watched as she continued to slowly eat her ice-cream.

'Two ice-creams are a lot for one person, huh?' For some reason I hadn't expected a response and was surprised when I got one. She lowered the ice-cream and fixed her eyes on the ground again.

'They're not both for me.' My eyes widened at the comment and I swiftly turned to glance around at the surrounding area of the park, but couldn't find anyone.

'Are you waiting for someone?'

There was a long silence and the wind suddenly picked up, causing a leaf to fall down from a tree and land square on her nose. I found it cute, the way she scrunched up her face and swatted it away.

'It's for my Papi.' She let out in an almost whisper when the leaf was gone.

'When's he coming?' I asked, tilting my head. She still hadn't looked at me since I had walked over.

'He's not.' The girl said, taking another bite from her ice-cream. 'He left when I was six.'

I looked away from her and found my eyes trailing up to the sunlight filtering through the leaves of the tree over our heads. I felt a small pang somewhere in my heart after hearing the hurt in her words.


When I had turned back, I saw that her untouched ice-cream had started to melt.

'Since he's not coming, are you gonna eat it?' I asked carefully, unsure of how she felt. She shook her head before she finally turned to me. 'D-di-' I started to speak before she actually interrupted me.

'W-would you like it?' She questioned with a slight stutter, offering me the ice-cream in her left hand. I was surprised, but it felt important for some reason, so I accepted.

'I'd love that, thank you.' I gave a wide grin as I took the ice cream, our hands brushing lightly as I reached out. As I gave it a quick once over, I started to swing my legs back and forth slowly and took a small bite. I could already tell by the colour, but it was chocolate.

'Chocolate, huh?' I raised an eyebrow, turning back to the girl.

'It's my favorite.' She mumbled out nervously.

'Wait,' I started, glancing rapidly between her and the ice-cream in my hands, 'you didn't poison this, right?' Something strange happened next.

The girl turned to look me in the eyes and smiled.

'I guess you'll find out now.' She snickered, adding an evil smirk to her remark.

We both laughed.

'I'm Lauren.' I introduced myself with a grin before taking another bite of the ice-cream she had given me.

'Camila.' She returned. 'Nice to meet you Lauren.'

'Nice to meet you as well.'

Another gentle breeze picked up as I faced forward again.

'So, do you come here often?' I inquired with a chuckle.

'Is that what you use with all the girls? That's pretty lame.' Camila questioned back playfully, making me laugh.

'I know right? Sorry. I guess I was just wondering if you'll be here tomorrow?' For some reason, nerves affected the delivery of my question.

'I come here everyday.' She disclosed. 'Why?'

I shrugged.

'Just wondering.'

For the first time, neither ice-cream melted.

Two Ice-creams [Camren]Where stories live. Discover now