Episode 4

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Sanskar is still crying .someone call him.
phone conversation…
op; hello sir we dont able to locate swara mam.our source inforted us she is fainted on road and someone take her.
s; what the the hell u r talking ,i clearly told u follow her nothing should happen to her now u r telling u dont know where is she. i dont know what u will do just find her in half an hour. warna u know the result.
sanskar pov.,
swara where r u.u have to live alive for me. no one has right to hurt u not even u can hurt urself.only i have the right to hurt,to love u.
his thughts are disturb by phone call.
s; tell me where is she?
op; sir, aditya raichand take her with himself.Now they r in xyz hospital.
s; i am reaching there,until keep eyes on him.

He is going outside bt someone hold his hand[ any guesses yup none other than vamp alia]
alia[fake sad face];Sanskar where r u going .this time i need u most and u r leaving me.y it so because i am not becoming mother of ur chid now.so want to leave me and want to go some other girl,dont u love me anymore.
s; baby it is not like this,just some business work and after i have also do preparation of our marriage it will so grand whole world will see it.
a; kk then go.i love u…
s; love u too ,take care.[he kisses her forehead]
laksh entered in swara room.
l;doll how r u now feeling.
sa ;jiju i am fine,Wat r u doing her u should be in mm na. and where is di.
l;just shut your u don’t need to tell me where i should be. ragini u only make her understand.she is becoming careless day by day.[he turn behind to find bt she is not there,become tensed]swara u take care i am just coming.
sa; kk..
adi is still standing outside her room…
la; aditya what r u doing here.now u can leave u informed us it’s good.we don’t need ur further help.don’t dare to harm her.
adi; we r rival in business in personal life i don’t have any gut feeling for u or ur family.keep calm and go to ur wife she went somewhere in anger i tried to stop her bt she don’t listen me.i am here with swara u can trust me.i always keep business and personal life diff.
laksh leaves,adi entered in swara room…
adi; swara now how r u. and what r u doing on road.dont u have sense .u should not come out outside when weather is bad.he keeps her scolding.
now swara cant take more.
sa; just chill i am fine u r unnecessary taking tension. who i am to u?we dont even know each other properly.
adi;just shut up swara u speak too much i already told.u can considered me as frnd.u r not any stranger.never say that u r no one to me.[he said all these things in hurted voice]
sa; arre bt tell me na how do u know me.
adi; when right times come i will tell u all things.till then don’t take any tension.and why r u so sad.
sa; vo…..vo… nothing just missing someone.MR RAICHAND can i ask u something.
Adi; first call me aditya,its look like i am 50 years old. arre i am only 24 . not so elder to you.you can ask me anything.
Sa; by seeing ur face i can easily say u r in pain u told me i can considered u as my frnd.Tell me ur prblm i will solve it.
ADI;nothing like that..
SA;it must be love matter,does ur gf ditched u or some girl reject ur proposal.
AD; no gf,….
sa; then good u know one thing never love anyone.it only give us lot of pain.
ADI;U know swara some stories end before starting.some times we also not able to tell the other person how much we love them.even after knowing they don’t love us back we can’t stop our self loving them. bt still love is most beautiful emotion what can happen if first time u fail.just always remember destiny must have someone perfect for u.that person can heal u.just believe in urself and have little faith in life.it is most wonderful gift by god.we don’t have any rights to destroy it.mainly for that person who betray us.
ADI;You don’t need to live in past.
sa; i am not living in past.just want to prove my self.
Adi; if u don’t mind i want to help u.
sa; why r u doing this much for me.
adi; i already told u swara u r my frnd. i am doing this for my self.i can’t see my frnd in pain.[he places his hand on her hand to ensure her i am with u in every situation]

Meanwhile sanskar also reaches there he is seeing them wid anger.he is outside the room.he fumes in more anger by seeing swara is smiling with aditya.he don’t able to hear them.
he go from there.
At mm..
ragini reaches there she started to shout sankia name[sanskar and alia]by hearing her voice alia comes downstair/.
alia;now u sister wat want from me.ur sister already snatched my biggest happiness.wat do…..
before she could say further she started slap her[remember shomi slap ragini]she fell down.
R;u also know truth,stop blaming her.
she again make her stand to slap her bt someone hold her hand.[guess guys]

‘ragini stop it don’t give pain to ur hand.we have to support swara she need us.the girl like not deserve anything.’laksh
ra;u r saiying right she need us.
arre guys i have happy news for u.sanskar decided to marry me next week.u both and ur sister are invited.plz come and give ur greetings.
laksh;alia don’t fly so high who knows that the day is last day of ur life.
they both go from there.

sanky is roaming here and there.swadi moments are playing in his mind. there is war between his heart and brain
brain;why r u sad sanskar whatever u wish this is happening.u must be happy from that time u betray her she is in pain by seeing her condition laksh is also in pain.he is dying inside to se her condition.u only want this na to give laksh pain.
heart; bt what is swara fault onli that na she is ragini sister.ragini happiness in her.laksh happiness in ragini.only due to ur stupid revenge swara has gone through lot of pain.
brain;so what revenge is imp. laksh father give more than this much pain to my mother.he even kill her.now his father is dead i want give double pain to him by torturing his loved ones.
heart;laksh is also not at all fault.his father did crime not him.he always love u even knowing u r his step brother.he always treat like u own bro. and what u did even you today slap swara.
br;she deserve this.she kill unborn child.
heart;ask urself does she can stop so low.
br; alia herself said that.
heart;may be she has misunderstanding.
sanky shouted enough both of u.Whatever i done to her that is right.not further arguments.and aditya is my rival he may harm me through her.so i am worried.
all people are seeing him .he is speaking to himself.they r thinking him mad…….
raglak also reach hospital they didn’t notice him.ragini enter in swara ward.she is happy seeing her sister similing face….

scene end at raglak and swadi smiling face.and sankia irritated face.

precap; marriage preparation , swara in danger ...

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