Episode 9

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7th phere, girl run inside mansion.

” stop, u can’t marry her.” girl
” oh, so finally u reach. alia was saying right. everytime i think, u will not do this but everytime u prove me wrong.” sanky with disgust expression
” sanskar, i know u hate me even i hate u. now i don’t have any feeling for u. but ur good luck is u r linked with jiju.only for jiju i am ready to take ur any insult. only one thing i want ur 5 minutes. after that i will leave will ur life for forever.
only 5 minute….” swara
” u have only 5 minute, whatever u want to say. just say it and leave us” sanky
” baby, u don’t believe me. it’s okay i can understand.” ALIA
” Stop ur drama alia” swara

” sanskar , u don’t know her reality” swarra
” just say it clearly” sanky
” baby y u r asking her, you know na she will tell some imaginary story.” alia
” it’s nothing like that, i wanna know at which extent she may go to prove herself” sanskar
” now ur drama will not wrok here. u may be leave from here. ” alia
” i always knew it u will never trust me. just for my curiosity ask ur baby, why from three months she is transferring 10 lakhs to doctor account.” swara
” alia, wat is she saying? is it true? ” sanky
” ya, but first listen me. doctor has some financial issue. u know na i can’t see any. so, i am helping her.” alia
” omg, wat a great actress u r more than it. u r great helper. okay tell me one who thing. if person has any financial problem. then why he wanted to leave job ?, planning world tour,buying luxurious car, spending so much money. what kind of financial problem is it ? can u explain us?” swara[ in almost loosing her control]
” i don’t know it ” alia[ in nervous voice]

” oh, so great helper don’t know this. okay leave. why u transfer 3 crore to robin account ? now don’t tell me u don’t know him. he is well known killer.” swara
” alia , answer her” sanky
” vo…i remember he is blackmailing me if i don’t give him money he will kill sanskar. sanskar u know i love u more than my self.” alia
” oh, so baby want to save her lover. let me tell you, she hire him to kill doctor and me. even she made attack on adi.” swara[ with taunt]
” she is lying”alia
” i know sanskar without proof u will not trust me. even u hate me more but i can’t hate. beause hate is more stronger feeling then love. i don’t want any feeling. buit u r related with jiju, so u r lucky. i can’t let u destroy ur life.”’ swara
swara handed some proof to sanky

” baby if u trust me then don’t see her fake proof” alia
” alia, i trust u more than anything . i just want to end it” sanky
”’ sanskar, don’t believe it. this all r wrong. file is also wrong. really i am pregnant. i am not telling lie.” alia
”oh, thanks alia u ur self accepted it’. i don’t had any proof. u made my work easy. thanks u r true frnd’ swara[ in winning voice]
swara is still hiding , completely unknown to someone has seen her.
” see there , that girl is there” goon 1
” let’s go, we will finish her.” g 2
they both ahead toward her, swara is still unknown to it.
” aye girl give us proof, after that we will give u easy death. if u will protest then also u will die but with so difficulty.” g1
” whatever u want to do, do it but remember i will not give u any proof until i am alive” swara
” kk be ready for ur death” g 2
both g 1 and g2 bang her head to tree. stabbed her stomach three times but yet not loose her hand.
its enough for them both start to slap her repeatedly. at last she fall down.they take file and run away…
fb end

” baby it is her plan……….” alia
before she complete sentence sanky slap her and throw her out of house. don’t even show me ur dirty face” sanky[ finally alia role is end in present]
sanky come inside, he go toward swara. before he reach she fall than but sanky catches her.
” swara, what happen? ” sanskar
” swara, don’t close ur eyes.” laksh
” sry jiju” swara[ in fumble voice]
she close her eyes, meanwhile sanky places her in his lap
” swara, plz forgive me. don’t punish me so hard. see ur sanky is saying u sry. i am holding ears also, please wake up na” sanky
” sanskar first we should take her hospital, if we will do late she will die. see her condition. her head is bleeding.” laks[

in pleading voice]
laksh try to lift her but sanky jerk him.
” don’t touch her, . nothing will happen to her.i know u want to take revenge from me. only that’s y u r taking my swara from me na. but i don’t give her to u. u will take her to aditya. i know she is angry that’s y she told she doesn’t have any feeling. but i know she love me” sanky[ in crying voice]
” sanskar , i am not taking her to aditya” laksh
” why r u speaking? u don’t know, oh u r jealous from me na. my princess love me more. u can’t see she is sleeping. don’t disturb her sleep. if bhabhi come to know na u disturb her shona sleep she kill u. just see her, how cute she is looking while sleeping also. princess u sleep in my lap, no one disturb you. i know u love it. u r enjoying na. even i like it.” sanky
” sanskar , don’t become mad if we not reach hospital na. she will go far away.” laksh
” really, where will she go , i will also go with here. wherever swara also her sanskar.” sanskar

” u don’t know she can’t leave me she love me so much. u don’t believe me na. let me wake up her. u ur self ask her” sanky
” she will not speak” laksh[ in crying voice]
” princess wake up na see na what he is thinking i am mad. tell him how much u love me. u know my bro , yes first ur jiju is totally crack. he is gone mad into my bhabhi love. u know what is he saying u will leave me? u will not leave me na. tell him how much u love me” sanskar[ in giggling voice]
laksh got some plan ..
” sanky, ur bhabhi called me. she is in hospital. today is swara regular check up. u know na how much she is strict in health matters. if she come to know u don’t bring her then she kill both of us. i am really afraid by her. okay do one thing, i will not touch her. u your self take her to hospital. without disturbing her sleep” laksh

” oh, bhabhi order u to bring her then okay i am taking her. but until we will not reach hospital, u will not open ur mouth. i don’t want to disturb her sleep.” sanky[ in cute voice]
laksh nodded , both places her inside car. meanwhile he also call adi and inform him all thing.
”princess u know , i don’t want to disturb you. but ur di loves u more than me and u also love. when u wake up if u got to know i don’t take u to hospital . u will become angry na. so, i am taking without disturbing u. ur di also become angry, when bhabhi looses her control no one can save us even not god.” sanky
after 40 minutes….

” princess u know we reach hospital. after check up we will go to long drive.” sanky
ward boy try to help him placing her on stretcher, he jerk him…
” what r u doing, u can’t see it, she is sleeping.” sanky
” sanskar, doctor will do check up na. let him take her inside”laksh
ward boy shift her in ICU.
” why he take her in ICU” sanky

sanskar see his hand which are red, due to blood…
” bhai my hands are red, thats mean my swara is injured.” sanky
” vo, … sanskar doctor will do her checkup” laksh
” laksh, where is bhabhi call her na. if u don’t inform her na. she will become angry.give me ur phone i will inform her.”sanky

meanwhile doc. come from ICU,
” doc, how is swara?
” we can’t say thing . nothing is in our hand. we need o +ve blood group. arrange it and fill this form.” doc
” what is iin it” sanky
” if anything happen to patient, we r not responsible” doc
” listen, if anything happen her i will kill u and whole staff.” sanky[ he hold his collar]
laksh pull sanky and say sry to doc.
” doc, give it to me. i am her sister husband. i will arrange blood.” laksh
” don’t need to do any favor on us. we will manage. doctor my blood group is same u can check it.” rags[ shouted frm behind]
she also take form. from laksh hand.
”she is no one 2 both of u brother. she is only my sis.” rags
laksh don’t utter anything he know, she will not listen him.

” u sankar, stop ur drama. u r responsible for her condition. not only for it, but for every pain, every injuries are only due to u. since u both bro come in my life u only give pain to us. due to ur stupid rivals u destroy one innocent life.i am cursing myself why i met laksh, why i said yes to marriage.[ she drag sanskar toward ICU]see her how is she looking. can’t u see see her pain. just see her sanskar her body is attached to so many wires. doctors are saying they can’t promise anything. she may die. u r sole reason for it.” rags
after listening it, sanky broke down
” mam, we need to check ur blood” nurse
”u go i am coming. u both may leave. aditya will be here. we don’t need u.” rags
she went from their by passing disgust look to sanlak. sanskar is still crying….

precap; sanky emotional talk with unconscious swara
doc; mrs maheswari u can’t give her blood….

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