19. The necklace

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The evening was warm and we ate on the back terrace. The jungle had millions of sounds and Ten smiled bright when he served us some traditional food. It ws all delicious and we were quiet and bussy eating, as we had no food since a day.

Taeil was still very pale, but from time to time a small smile appeared on his face, when Ten said a joke and laid his hand on the boy's palm. You could see they were very close friends and had a lot of respect and love for each other.

"You can stay for three days, as Taeil told me you need to think where to go," Ten smiled and I felt a heavy burden lifting.

It meant we had a longer time to plan something.

"Thank you," I muttered and Ten smiled to me.

"Too bad you're taken," he looked towards Sicheng, who became red.

"I guess," I tried to smiled back but my stomach turned.

Was I taken? Why was I suddenly so far away from Sicheng? I glanced at my boyfriend and noticed his beautiful features, the small nose and huge lips, dark eyes filled with a childish hope and light, so different then Kun's. Kun's eyes said he was very intelligent and that he had seen the world, and all it good and bad sides, they carried a wisdom only someone crushed by life coud have. If this eyes told I love you they meant it, but Kun's heart was to dark to love anyone.

I wondered what his story was, before he met Doyoung and the Chou Gang, and his master. Who was the boy Kun, who had never made a spell, who had never poisoned someone or betrayed a friend? Was a Kun like this real?

"Hey, do you want the cake, Adi?" Ten said and I came back to reality. "I know he's hot but wait till you alone," our host blinked.

I felt my cheeks were getting red and I thanked for the cake.

Sicheng smiled to himself in a naughty way and I knew what was on his mind, but I was so far from it.

The evening got long and I felt so tired, that I said bye to the boys and walked upstairs. I changed into my pajamas, a white shirt and sweatpants I got from Doyoung, but which actually belonged to Kun. Back in the civilization I needed to buy myself some clothes, I had no money, but so far I could borrow some from Taeil, and give it back ,when I will find a job. But what job could I take, what live could I live, when everything on my mind was the revenge I wanted to make, but how?

The door crackled and Sicheng slipped inside. He smiled showing all his little teeth and he walked to the bed stripping off his shirt, shoes and socks, so he was left in jeans, when he sat on the sheet. He licked his lips and I saw in his eyes, that he was turned on.

"I'm too tired for it," I whispered grabbing his skinny hands.

"I love you," Sicheng moved closer and his hot lips landed on my neck. He moved them up till he reached my lips making me feel so weird I forgot the whole world around us.

I had him again, he was mine and we were in a huge house at the end of the world, sharing a bedroom again, like in Taeil's house, but now there was no spell between us and I remembered how he stayed over at Jae's and left the guestroom to sneak into my bedroom.

"Are you thinking about the past?" whispered Sicheng and his eyes glittered and I nodded.

He tickled my sides and we fell on the bed he over me. He licked his lips again before he licked over my lips and I giggled.

"Not today, ok," I whispered playing with his fluffy hair.

But the plan was to forget Kun and Sicheng was the only remedy, so my hands caressed over his body, up his back and onto his neck. I felt his fingers under my shirt and he smiled wider.

"We can stay in underwear," he proposed and I laughed.

"Stop talking just kiss me," I pulled him closer and our lips melted.

We played with our bodies a lot, but didn't do it and he was still wearing his jeans, when we laid in each other arms hours later and listened to the sounds of the cicadas, and the night brids.

The room was dark and a cool breeze was falling through the opened window while Sicheng's chest was so warm and comfortable.

"What did he tell you?" I whispered feeling my stomach is twisting and I felt how Sicheng's body tensed.

"He gave me this," Sicheng's skinny hand landed in his jeans pocket and he took a small object out of it. "I wanted to show you, when we'll be alone. I guess it meant a lot to him," Sicheng looked at it and I noticed a necklace with a wooden pendant, that looked like a rool with things sculptured into the sides.

"Can I?" I asked and he nooded puting it into my hand.

I felt strange holding the only memory of Doyoung we had left and then I turned it, but a sudden blue light appeared out of it and I jumped up.

I felt strange holding the only memory of Doyoung we had left and then I turned it, but a sudden blue light appeared out of it and I jumped up

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Thank you for the support. Do you like the new situation Adi is in? What do you think the secret of the necklace is?

Much <3

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