1. The Show

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"Please come up," said the magician, his name was Qian Kun, some called him the biggest illusionist of our times, others a charlatan and a trickster.

My boyfriend's hand became sweaty in mine, but I ignored it, while the girls screamed in the front rows begging for the attention I never wished to get. All eyes were on me, so I let go of Sicheng's hand and moved up.

The way through the audience was long, but soon I reached the few stairs, that ended on the black wood of the stage.

"Please come closer Miss Adi," Kun spoke my name without a second of hesitation.

"So your assistant stole my ID and smuggled it back, before you brought me up here. Impressive," I commented loud, the crowd answered with boos and whistles.

"Interesting," his fox eyes glittered when he walked around me. "So do you believe in magic?" he asked.

"No it's just tricks," boos again.

"We want you to believe. Do we?" he smiled bright and the audience applauded loud.

I hated him more and more each second, his confidence was sickening.

"Please sit," he pointed to an ordinary wooden chair while his assistant, a carrot-red haired guy hurried backstage.

"You might not believe in magic but reality is an illusion," he whispered leaning above my ear and his breath warmed up my skin.

He stepped back, suddenly the chair trembled, a moment later I moved up, like lifted by a zero-g force and the audience made a huge 'O' sound.

I grabbed the back of the chair to not to crush on the stage while it was making it's way up to the ceiling of the theatre. I glanced above my head, but the lamps blended my eyes, while I was hopelessly searching for any magnetic or other kind of force, that could lift the chair up. Suddenly my skin started to fill up with fog and it became transparent, like glass. The lights went out and I vanished. It felt so weird, to be visibly body-less while I was still here, scared, and angry. My brain, my emotions, worked the same way, everything felt like in the right place, while my body was gone. I decided to stay strong and not to show any fear or give this awful man the satisfaction. He clapped, the lights filled the room uncovering me. My body was there again, as visible as in sharp daylight. Visibility? Color is just the illusion of light. In a totally lightless place everything is obscure, black holes eat up light and energy, the vacuo is lit up by stars, so it's physics not magic.

Soon the chair salied back on the stage and touched down like a feather placed on a mattress.

"Adi, do you believe in magic?" Kun's eyes were glittering.

"No," I said loud enough for everyone to hear me.

But his smile never faded.

"Do you believe in magic?" he asked the audience and they screamed a loud 'yes'.

"Adi thank you for your participation," he bowed slightly when I sprang from the chair. "We will meet again," he whispered while I passed him.

All glances were on me when I returned to my comfortable chair on the back of the room and sank into it. Sicheng's hand tangled with mine immediately.

"I was so scared. It looked like if you had vanished," he whispered pressing my palm to his lips.

"Silly there is no magic, people can't vanish, it was trick with the light," I looked at the stage and caught Kun's eyes right on me.

He smiled to himself. Why did I have this creepy feeling he could mind-read me.

The first chapter is up. Thank you for reading and for the feedback. Let me know what you think about the story so far. Because it's Taeil's birthday, here's a bonus video. It's one of my favorite fancams, enjoy his lovely voice :)

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