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***8 years later***

[Eunbyul's pov]

I was now a successful and an independent woman. I worked in a textile company and part time, I worked as a librarian. 8 years passed but still I wondered, how I fell for a vampire.

That night, he said that I hate him. I tried to hate him but I miserably failed in it. The fact was that I actually loved him from the depth of my heart and I can't deny it.

From that day, he wasn't show himself again, but still, when those talks of that night echoed in my ear I felt pity on myself, because that night, I wasn't able to say that I love him too.

I didn't know where he was. Last thing I listened about him, was eight years ago from our homeroom teacher, that he moved to Los Angeles. I didn't follow him because everytime I remembered what he said that night. 

" I know you hate me, but please, don't follow me or else you'll get hurt and I don't want you to get hurt. "

There was another thing which always echoed in my ears.

"There is one person in this world, who will always love you and protect you from all of his heart, until his last breath."

I wandered did he really loved me? If he did, then he must show himself up in these eight years. And I wondered, was he really protecting me? Who knows? 

Anyways, as it was going to be dusk, I took my coat, my handbag and my books and closed the library. I was walking on the footpath when suddenly I felt someone was following me. I started taking bigger pace and the stalker walked fastly too. Then suddenly, I looked back but there was no one. I became perplexed that why, when I turned around, I bumped into someone's chest and the books in my hand fell down. I and the person - whom I bumped in - both sat on toes to collect the books. I lifted my head to look who is that person, and I saw a very familiar face. My eyes became wide as I saw that stunning face again.

Is that him? Is it really him?

"Sorry ma'am that I bumped into you." He apologized sweetly.

So, he's not him.

"It's okay." I said and smiled.

"What happen ma'am? You look surprised." He asked as we stood up again.

"No, it's not like that. Actually you resembles to the person who is very close to my heart." I said.

"Oh really? It's my pleasure ma'am." He was surprised.

"Don't call me ma'am. Call me Eunbyul. By the way, what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Kim Sunyeol, Eunbyul."

Oh, Kim Sunyeol. 

"And what's your age?"

"Nineteen. I study in Seoul High University." He informed.

"That's good." I appreciated. "By the way, you have a beautiful smile."

"You don't know Eunbyul, how many secrets are hidden behind this smile." he wispered.

"You have a good sense of humor." I said as I chuckled.

"By the way, your necklace is beautiful too. Looks like it contains alots of memories. Who give this to you?" He asked.

I touched the blue heart-shaped necklace which was hanging in my neck with a silver chain. A flood of memories came in my mind as he pointed it.

"Someone special gave me this and you're right, it contains lots of memories." I answered his question. "Anyways, I should go now."

"oh, I promise I'll see you again someday." He said with a sweet smile.

"Promises can't be kept." I said as I remembered that promise that Jeon Jungkook made to me.

"there's one person in this world, who will always love you and protect you from all of his heart, until his last breath."

"Who knows ma'am." He said sweetly.

"Ok bye." I said. I turned around and walked down the street.

I walked only twenty feets away when there I had a flashback and my footsteps stopped.


I was sitting with Jungkook in the park and I asked a very silly question.

"If you change your name, then how can I able to recognize that you are Jeon Jungkook?"

"Don't worry, if you see my left cheek carefully, then you'll see a mark there. It's by birth. If you see that mark on someone's face, then it'll be me." He explained.

"Really?" I said and tilted his face to see his left cheek. "Yes you are right." I said as I saw it.

**Flashback end**

Sunyeol, he had that mark on his left cheek. I saw it very clearly.

That scar! That's mean..... Sunyeol is.......  

I quickly turned but there was no one behind me.

Again..... He went far away from me.

[Author's pov]

Eunbyul turned and Sunyeol watched her back. He turned around and started walking. There was a dead serious expressions his face. Soon, he turned into a narrow dark alley and his walking became a super speed. Meanwhile, six people joined him too.

Suddenly, they all stopped as they saw a man walking in the corner of dark alley.

"Looks like, we find out our today's dinner." V said with a big satan and vilify smile.

"Yes, guess so." Jimin chuckled.

"Hey Jungkook, wanna race?" Jhope asked to so-called Sunyeol  as he gave a challenging smile.

Jungkook accepted the challenge with a chuckle and they started running toward the man with their super vampire speeds. They instantly caught their prey and killed it.

"Jungkook, your eyes are unusual today. They are more blood red and evil." Jin said as he looked into his eyes.

"by the way, beside evilness, I can also see deep love in those eyes. Right Jungkook?" Suga asked teasingly.

"Is Suga right?" Namjoon teased too.

Jungkook didn't answer, just tilted his head down and chuckled while rubbing the back of his head.

[Jungkook's pov]

She said promises can't be kept. I think she's wrong, totally wrong.

I'm keeping my promise. I'm loving her and protecting her, from that night, till now.

This predator is protecting his prey. 



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