Chapter 26 - 4am Drinks

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Sleep is restless. You keep waking up to the unfamiliar room of Dan, and having to remind yourself where you are. At one point of the night, you hear Phil going back into his room from his position on the sofa. You are tempted to go and say goodnight to him, but you realise that it is 2am, and your presence wouldn't be welcome.

At 4am you decide to go into the kitchen. Pulling on one of Dan's hoodies, you pad softly down the hall and bump straight into the glass door. An almighty CRASH swiftly follows as you walk backwards into the wall, stunned.

You open the door, and walk into the kitchen, instead of attempting to apparate into it. Kettle switched on and mug placed on the counter. You decide to make yourself a hot drink to calm your nerves and help you sleep better for the remaining hours of the night.

But as you pour the water in the mug you hear a sound behind you. You spill hot water on your bare foot as you slam it down on the counter and swivel around in pain and shock. You open your mouth to scream, but no sound comes out.

It's like one of those bad dreams, where you try to talk or walk away, but you just can't. You stare at the open doorway expectantly, scared for what is going to suddenly appear in it. You can't force any sound out of your throat, so you stand, glued to the spot in silence.

A head pokes around the edge of the doorframe. Tousled black hair, furiously blinking blue eyes hidden behind glasses, and yesterday's crumpled clothes.

"You okay?" Phil stares at you, eyes still blinking as he tries to wake up. You shake slightly and then run straight into him, hugging him tightly. "Woah, easy now. You're going to be okay."

"I thought you were a monster or a burglar," you confess, almost sobbing with relief in his arms. He takes his glasses off, cleans them on his crinkled shirt, and then puts them back on.

"Ah, now I can see you properly!" he exclaims. "I just heard the sound of a bump and came to investigate. Saw the kitchen light was on."

"I can't sleep," you admit, and turn back to your drink, foot still stinging from where the water scalded you.

"Need some help?" Phil offers, hugging you from behind.

"With sleeping or making this stupid drink at 4am?" You smile though at his touch, missing being with him 24/7.

"Both. Here, let me help you make this, then you can come sit in my bed to warm up. You are shivering like anything." He scans you up and down, tucking a loose hair behind your ear lovingly. "Hey, this isn't my hoodie."

You look down at Dan's hoodie sitting on you, and smile. "Yeah. I tried to sleep in his room tonight, but it's not the same without him. Thought his smell would help me."

"Still stressing about him?" Phil takes a slight step back from you, respecting your confusion over which boy is yours.

"Yeah. Going to try and sort things out with him in about..." You look down at your phone. "6 hours, 40 minutes."

"Meeting up with him?" Phil asks, stirring your drink for you.


"Thanks for telling me." He seems slightly sad, but you push it to the back of your mind.

"You're welcome." You pick up the mug from the side and follow him back to his room, trying to ignore the nagging feeling at the bottom of your stomach.

Phil goes back to sleep, but you stay awake, sipping your drink and feeling the warm sensation fill you from your head to your shoulders, knees and then finally to your toes.

More Stars Than In Our Coffee (Reader x Dan and Phil)Where stories live. Discover now