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Cam's P.O.V

I heard Imogen walk back into the room, but not alone! I was just lying on my bed staring at the ceiling when they walked in. I looked up at them and gave a weak smile.

"Where did you go?" I asked, kinda annoyed that Taylor was with her.
"Oh.....Bart had a surprise for me in the lobby!" She stated.
"Which was.......?" I asked.
"My mum, brother and best friend came to visit me and they are staying in this hotel for a couple days!" She smiled.
"I thought I was your best friend?" Taylor pouted and wrapped his arm around her waist.
"You're not a girl though!" As she said that all of the boys burst into the room looking around.
"Where? I heard that there was another girl here!! Where is she?" Asked Nash, a little too creepy.
"She's not here idiot! She's with my mum!" Imogen sighed.
"I'm never getting over that accent" Johnson chuckled while Imogen punched his arm lightly.

After about 10 minutes of everyone talking, they all left, including Taylor thank God!!!
I gave Aaron the 'can you give us a minute' look and he nodded and came up with an excuse to leave the room.
"Uhh.....I just remembered that I need to get something from the store!" He said getting off his bed.
"Ok see ya later!" Imogen didn't look up from her phone until he left.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked.
"Sure!" Her smile was so cute.
"Well......I just wanna say that uh.............. IkindalikeyouandIwaswonderedifyouwannagoonadatewithme?" I said quickly.
"What?" She looked confused.
"I said......... I kinda like you and I was wondering if uh....... you wanna go on a date with me?" I paused.
"Cam, That's really nice!.......... I'm free now!" She smiled. YESS.
"Great, Should we go to the pool or the beach?" I asked hopefully.
"Surprise me!" She smiled and went to get ready.

She actually said yes! I didn't think she would, but I guess Taylor isn't in the picture.
After she went into the bathroom, I decided to go get ready. I went to my suitcase and started to get ready, then Aaron and Nash walked in. They looked at me as if they were asking where I was going.

"Dude, You do realise that we have a day off right?" Nash walked up to me.
"Yeah I know, I'm just going out for a walk!" I smiled, trying not to be to excited or they will find out.
"Ok! Have you seen Imogen? Taylor has been looking for her and it's driving me insane!" He asked.
"Uh.....Nope! She might be with her mom!" I said, hoping that they buy it.
"Ok well see ya later and enjoy your.......walk?" He questioned. I just nodded and they left.

Phew that was close.

Imogen's P.O.V

I walked into the bathroom to get ready for my date with Cam. I know what you're thinking 'Why are you going for Cam when Taylor has been so kind to you?' Well my answer to that is that if I let Cam have a chance then maybe he will see that we were just not meant to be! I like Cam, Yes, But as a good friend! He just needs to realise that and this is a way of showing him that! I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship in any way!

I finally got ready,  deciding not to wear makeup just incase we were going into water. I walked towards the bathroom door and heard people talking.

​​​​​​"Dude, You do realise that we have a day off right?" I think Nash said.
"Yeah I know, I'm just going out for a walk!" Cam replied.
"Ok! Have you seen Imogen? Taylor has been looking for her and it's driving me insane!" Nash asked.
"Uh.....Nope! She might be with her mom!" Cam sounded scared to tell them about our date.
"Ok well see ya later and enjoy your.......walk?" Nash said in a questioning tone and left.

I walked out the bathroom and saw Cam look like he just caught his phone before it hit the floor.
"What's up?" I looked at him concerned.
"Uh.. nothing! Ready to go?" He said checking me out.
"Come on!" I giggled while walking towards the door.

We got to a car that he asked to borrow and got in. He started to drive towards the beach, glancing at me every now and again. 

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