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Imogen's POV

My eyes shot open when I felt someone lie on top of me. All I could see was the back of their head, which had a bandana on........My guess is Taylor.
"Taylor get off!" I groaned and rolled over, pushing him off in the process.
"How did you know it was me?" He asked while chuckling.
"Because you're wearing a bandana! I'm not stupid." I answered with my eyes closed and my head buried into the soft pillow.
"You leave me no choice princess." I could tell he was smirking.
He picked me up and flung me over his shoulder, taking me out of my hotel room.
"Taylor put me down NOW!!" I demanded while hitting his back. He replied with chuckles as everyone opened their doors and followed Taylor, wondering where exactly he was taking me.

I look up at Johnson and give him the 'Help me NOW!' look. He sees me and nods slightly, then he stopped Taylor and grabbed me and flung me over his shoulder instead.
"Hey, Give me back my girl!" Taylor demanded and ran after Johnson who is currently running towards his room with me on his back.
We reach his room, Jack swung the door open and locked it on the inside. He then threw me on his bed, me of course giggling.

"Thanks, Johnson! You saved me from whatever Taylor was going to do to me!" I giggle and sit up.
"Anything for you, Shawty." He winked and chuckled.
"So......You're Taylor's girl now then?" He asked with a hint of sadness in his eyes.
"No.....He was joking!" I said. His eyes lit up with joy and I could tell he was trying to hide it.
"Ok........So do you have anyone in mind?" He asked. I think I'm discovering something about Johnson that I never knew before.
"Um.....I haven't really thought about relationships since the incident!" I said, not making eye contact with him as I felt quite awkward.

He gently pulled my chin to face him, tingles went down my spine. They were stronger than the ones Matt gave me! Is this a sign? Do I like Johnson? I'm so confused right now.

"Don't worry about that! You need to find a man who will 'Treat you better'! (A/N: See what I did there! If you don't know then it's Shawn Mendes' new song!) A man who will listen to everything you have to say." He said, looking in my eyes and hypnotizing me without even knowing it. I felt myself lean in really slowly, so slowly that it isn't noticeable. My hands trail to around his neck as we both lean in. Our lips were inches away and I could feel his hot minty breath against my lips. Our lips are now brushing slightly..................*BANG*

The door made a huge banging noise, scaring me and Johnson. Our heads turn to face the door as we hear someone shouting ''Gilinsky! Give me your key now! I need to get my girl back.'' and then another person shouting ''Sorry but Johnson has it.''

Johnson and I laugh at them arguing.
He turns to me and asks "I thought you weren't Taylor's girl?" He was chuckling but I could tell it was forced.
"I told you.....He's joking!" I laughed, his face seemed much happier now. The halls went quiet and I could tell that they had left. We just sat there and stared at each other, not moving an inch. We were like that until Johnson asked me a shocking question.

"Imogen, Will you go on a date with me?" He wasn't joking, I could see it in his eyes that he was deadly serious.
I was lost for words and had no idea what to say

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