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Kelly Paul Oubre Jr. is a married man. I can't believe I've been entertaining a married man.I knew I should have just stayed focus on my job.What was I thinking I'm a cheerleader and he's a freaking rookie I should have known that something was wrong with this scenario when he never acknowledged what 'relationship' we had.' Loni thought to herself as she sat on her couch

"Stop beating yourself up Loni.You can't put the blame of this situation all on you.You and I both were in the blind about what was going on."Kelly's wife said walking out the woman's kitchen

"Why couldn't I just go after any unknown man?"She spoke aloud as her mind flashed back onto all the memories she had created with Kelly.

But can you blame her she was only a fool in love.

'Hi, I'm Kelly Oubre. And your name must be beautiful."Kelly said, sticking his hand out for the woman to shake

"Actually, I'm Loni.But nice try with the pick up line. I'm one of the veteran cheerleaders here.But YOU must be the rookie that's the same age as me? How does it feel to be living out your dream?"

Shaking his head at the woman "Unreal.I can't believe that God saw this fit for my future. Sometimes I feel like I should be back on campus in Kansas.But I think as I get used to the flow of things it'll become more normal and you know more reasonable.But for now I'll roll with the punches."

'He's wise for his age.I like that.'Loni told her inner self

"Well, Mr.Oubre I guess we'll be seeing more of each other.BUT I must warn you that these guys mean business and I'd hate to see a young face go to waste."Loni said smiling up at the tall man

With a slight grimace on his face Kelly replied "Please baby girl just call me Kelly. Mr.Oubre makes it sound like I'm married."

At that moment Loni knew she should have read between the lines she was just too blind to see that Kelly had basically told her he was a man in a relationship that was deeper than whatever they had.

"I don't know what it is about you, but I feel like you're gonna have me in some deep and serious trouble.But at the same time I feel like this is a risk I should take.The Wizards may have messed up by putting two 19 year olds in the same facility. I just know that this is going to be a beautiful recipe for disaster."Loni spoke

"Well then we'll be a beautiful disaster."Kelly replied
And from that point on Kelly and Loni spent every second of every minute of every hour of everyday they could together.They took what they had and learned each other inside and out. Loni could always feel the sympathetic looks that she got when she was with Kelly.

''I really loved that man.I just wished that things didn't go the way they did.God, Kelly why did you have to put me in this situation?"

"Loni, you can't keep blaming yourself for what Kelly did, you aren't about to let what my idiot of a  husband did to you keep you down."Kelly's wife said comforting the woman

"How are you sitting here trying to console me.When I had what was basically considered an affair with your husband. You should hate me and Kelly."

Shaking her head, she turned to look at  the girl, "Yes, I'm hurt, but I don't hate you.You didn't know anything about Kelly's personal life.I'm very much so angry at Kelly because he took your innocence and made a fool out of you.And I can't ever shake the look on your face when you found out he was a married man with children.But I just want you to tell me a few things. When was the moment Kelly made you his.Tell me everything."

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