She's His(B.I)

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"Leland! Leland!"

"Yes, Brandon?"

"Hey, babe how are you?  Has your day been great?"

"Umm, my day has been completely well. I did some work with my business. Scheduled some interviews. What about you?"

"My day was going great, but you wouldn't believe what I just and I mean just found out, Leland." Brandon answered cutting his eyes at the 19 year old

All Leland knew was whatever he had just found out, better have had been important enough for him to be cutting his eyes at her. She didn't play those types of games and he knew that. So for him to try and pull that was just a whole other level of shocking. But she was gone check that real quick.

"First of all who are you cutting your eyes at? You better calm that all the way down. Second, what did you just find out that you felt that I needed to see it?"

"I just found out something pretty interesting. You've been hiding valuable information from me."

"Valuable information?  Brandon I tell you everything. So what, can you possibly be talking about?"

"You share everything? Is that so? "

"Boy, what are you talking about? I don't have time for this. Because you're coming at me sideways, and I don't appreciate this. I have never lied or hidden anything from you. So this is not processing with me correctly."

"Leland, I need your full and undivided attention. I need to speak on this."

Sitting on the couch Leland turned to look at her boyfriend  "Ok, you've got my undivided attention. What is it that you found out. Is it something that I did?"

"It does have something to do with you. It's actually about you and this dude, you dated for a year and half."

Of course it was about this. She knew that he'd find out sooner or later, while she preferred never. This was the way that the cookie crumbled. All Leland, knew was she had to get herself out of this situation fast. She wasn't ready for him to know about that specific relationship.

"Xavier. That's what this was all about. You're funny you know that it's cute seeing you all jealous and worked up over who I dated. It doesn't matter babe. Cause I only have eyes for you." Leland lied grabbing his cheek while standing up "You're really funny babe I mean you had me worried for a second. I thought you had found out you had a baby somewhere. If you did, I would have to have you murked. And I wouldn't want that at all."

"Can you at least tell me who it was. I told you about all my past girls, it's only fair that you do the same."

"But does it matter? Does it really matter who I dated babe? I mean, if you got me why does it matter. What is it with guys wanting to know who their girls first boyfriend was or who she dated before them? She's with you and that's all that should matter."

"Leland, I know you. You're trying to avoid the situation."

"Because you, put me on the spot. I don't like that."

Leland knew that Brandon wouldn't like the answer she was gonna give. Which led to why she kept trying to avoid the situation at hand. But she knew him well enough to know that he was persistent in getting what he wanted which is how she ended up here in a relationship with him.

"Please just, tell me who it was. Is that too much for me to ask of you? I literally told you about every female I dated. The least you could do is tell me the name of the guy who held your heart. It's obvious he's had some type of impact, on you as a person."

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