Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Becca's P.O.V

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Jake asked for the hundredth time. I groaned, getting in Edward's car. I was going to La Push. Jake, Leah, and Seth were running out of clothes and things. I'm the only one who can actually go onto La Push territory.

"Yes Jake. I'm going to be fine. I'll talk to you on the way there and back if it makes you feel better." I said. He sighed and nodded his head. He looked so concerned for my safety.

"Please hurry." He said and gave me a short peck on the lips. No, we aren't dating. We are still on the just hug stage. I was taken by surprise. He rushed in the house. I couldn't stop smiling. I plugged my phone up to the dock in the car and pressed on Jake's name as I pulled out of the driveway. He answered automatically. We talked about small things on my way to La Push. When I crossed I could see the wolves on the trees following me. I pulled up to Seth and Leah's house. Sue was out. I hurried in and grabbed some things for them. I got back in the cat and headed to Jake's house. Billy was there when I walked in.

"Uncle Billy." I said. He turned to see me and smiled. He opened his arms and I went to give him a hug.

"Becca, it's been awhile." He said and I agreed. I missed coming down to La Push, but it's not completely safe at the moment. A horn honked outside.

"Well, that's your Dad. We are going out hunting. I'll see you later Becky." He said. I wheeled him to the door and waved at dad. I walked back in the house and walked to Jake's room. I packed some clothes and headed out the room. As I was walking toward the front door something caught my eye. It was a picture of Jake and I. Before Aunt Sarah died. We were sitting in her lap smiling. I took out my phone and took a picture of it. I grabbed Jake's bag and headed toward the door again. I was stopped in my tracks when I stepped out. Sam and Paul were standing outside. It was safe to say they looked pissed.

"You are trespassing." Sam bit out.

"Are there any laws saying I can't be here?" I asked. They just continued to glare. I just rolled my eyes and walked back to McPaleness' car.

"You're trespassing on the Black's residence." Sam spit out. No need for so much anger. "We could have you arrested."

"Two things wrong with that." I said. "One Billy knows I am here. Two, my dad is Police Chief. I'm pretty sure he could get me out of trouble." I said. Before I knew it, I was against the car with Paul's hand around my neck.

"Watch your mouth." He said. The hell?

"And what are you gonna do if I don't, Pup?" I said. Yes, because I thought it would be a good idea to taunt the person with their hand around my throat. I showed myself how much of a good idea that was when this grip tightened, cutting off my airwaves. He was shaking with anger. I forgot he was the angry wolf.

"Paul, let go!" Sam said. I was starting to see black dots. I clawed at his hand and I tried to push him away or knees him, but he kept squeezing. Soon enough blackness took over as I could no longer stay awake without oxygen.


I woke up in the passenger side of Edward's car. I was confused at first. How the hell did I get here? Then I remembered that ass choking me.

"I see you're awake." A voice said, a female voice that I've never heard before. I snapped my head towards the driver's seat to see a unknown girl driving.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked. Great job paying attention to your surroundings, Becca.

"I'm Sydney." She replied.

"Oh, um, are you one of the imprints?" I asked her.

"No, I'm part of the pack." She said. I knew Leah wasn't the only female wolf. Even if she is new. We sat in silence for a few more minutes before pulling into the Cullen drive way. Jake stormed out the house.

"Who the hell is this and why the hell do you have bruises on your neck?" He growled out. Angry Jake is no fun.

"This is Sydney and Paul choked me." I replied without thinking. Damn, I need to keep my big mouth closed.

"So Paul put his hands on you? I'll kill him." Jake started shaking. I tried to step to him, but Sydney grabbed my arm.

"It's not safe when he's like that." She said.

"I got this." I replied and walked over to him. I put my hands on his cheeks. "Jake look at me. Hey, look I'm fine. I'm here standing in front of you. I'm fine."

"You're not fine. Look at your neck." He said stiffly.

"I've been through worse, remember? My crazy ex tried to kill me." I said jokingly. He didn't crack a smile. He was too busy staring at the forming purple on my pale skin. I leaned up and kissed him, then forced him to look into my eyes.

"I'm fine." He nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"Please, stop this lovey dovey bullshit before I barf." Leah said walking out the trees. When I turned to look at her, her attention was stuck on Sydney. Oh snap, did she just do what I think she did? Leah and Sydney are imprints. Leah took off into the woods. Phasing and successfully ripping my clothes.

"Come on dude! That was my summer dress!" I yelled after her. I turned to look at a shocked Sydney.


Okay new character has been added!! Sydney (still deciding her last name)!!! She was inspired by

SexyCarrotQueen266!!!!! Next chapter will be Sydney's P.O.V

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter and Leah's new imprint.

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