Chapter Four

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*Drum Roll*




Chapter Four

Becca's P.O.V

I was on my way home from Jake's house after hanging out with the guys. I pulled up to the house. Bella's truck was in the driveway. Dad wasn't here because his cruiser was gone. I looked up at Bella's window and seen the back of a guys head. Nice Bella, I mean if your gonna sneak your boyfriend in the house make sure he's away from the window.

I walked in the house, slamming the door. I went to the kitchen to see a plate of food on the table. There was a paper sitting next to it with the word 'Dad' from on it. Well the bitch. I went to the fridge and got out some ingredients to make me something to eat. I quickly made me a sandwich and went upstairs to eat it. As I passed Bella's door I heard her talking to someone. So if I was Dad, she would so be caught.

"Hey Bella. Hey weird pale dude dating my sister. BTW, you guys can be seen from the window." I said to them. There was shuffling and a crash.

"Be more careful Bella." Bella's pale boyfriend said. I'm guessing Bella either almost fell and he caught her or she just fell. We both inherit clumsiness from our mom. Even so, Bella is 10 times more clumiser than me. Bella's door bursted open, Bella stood at the door.

"Dad will not here about this." She whispered angrily. I smirked at her.

"Why not? The oldest and more responsible child, as I recall you always being called, breaking Dad's rules. I mean your already grounded, what more can he do?" I said giving Bella my signature smirk she has grew up with. I always used it when I was feeling a bit mischevious.

"Excuse me Bella, Can I talk to her?" Bella's Mr. McPaleness asked her from inside the room. Bella looked back and nodded at him, looking all dazed. Then, she looked back at me and glared before walking off. Mr. McPaleness soon was standing where Bella just was.

"Rebecca is it?" He asked flashing me a smile. I frowned at him. What was he trying to do? Charm me? Yeah right, like I'm falling for that shit.

"Becca, actually." I replied. He went to open his mouth, but I cut him off. " Look Mr. McPaleness I don't know if I like you yet, or not. I do know something though. My father hates you and that bothers Bella, which humors me."

"I'm not that bad." He said flashing me another smile which probabaly makes other girls swoon. That made my stummi hurt, Yes, stummi. My stomach-tummy.

"Ew, dude, don't do that. Now, you probably charm lots of people to get your way. Well, I see right through that. I won't tell on Bella, she used to cover for me all the time. It's time to pay her goody-two-shoes ass back. Warning though, If you hurt her in any way, I will end you. I don't know how but I will happen. Comprende?"

Before anything esle could be said I went into my room and closed the door. I logged into my computer. I emailed my mom back and bought some winter clothes online. Bored as ever, I layed on my bed and played some games on my phone. I got a text from Matt, the guy from the airport. I had plans to meet him for shopping for next weekend, seeing as school started the next day. Still not filling my boredom I went to the living room to watch a movie. I put in Hunger Games. I think I've watched that movie about a thousand times. It was Jamie's favorite.

"You've never been the one to cry over movies." A voice said from the entrance. I looked up to see Bella standing there. It was the part where little Rue dies. I flashed her a half smile. She came and sat next to me.

"I've become more compassionate." I replied looking back at the movie. It was just so sad. "Before, I used to feel a little sad, cause that's just how movies make you feel. Now, I feel like Katniss, like I lost my best friend." My voice cracked at the last sentence.

"It'll be okay Bec, It's just a movie." Bella said, playfully bumping into me.

"This was Jamie's favorite movie." I said sadly. Tears brimming my eyes again.

"Hey, whatever happened to him, anyway. All I know is he left you or something. Then, you steal a car, have a high speed chase, and put on probabtion for a year. You still on probabtion?" She asked. Without knowing it she just ripped the scab back open with duct tape, taking some hair with it.

"Hey, where's Mr. McPaleness?" I asked hoping she would drop the subject. Thankfully, she did at the mention of her boyfriend. Her face lit up and she had a sparkle in her eye.

"Oh, he-he left, yeah. At the beginning of the movie. Um, right out the front door." She said. What? I'm sure I would have heard him.

"What? I didn't hear him leave." I replied back suspicious.

"Um, well you were really really into the movie. He said bye to you and everything." She replied quickly. Bella is such a horrible liar. She might get away with it with others, but we are twins and I see right through it. I decided to get her to trap herself.

"But, Bell, I'm sure I would have heard the door." As soon as I finished the sentence Dad walked int he door. Bella jumped up and ran to greet him. She lead him to the kitchen. I paused the movie, right at the time Peeta and Katniss kissed. A couple of tears ran from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away. Time to go put on the Happy Becca show. I'm becoming a good actress.


Now you kinda know more about Jamie!!! Who do you think he is? How will he play a role in this story? What happened between him and Becca? Let me know what you think!!!

I am horrible. I'm sorry I took so long to update. It's been like 6 months. I've just had some stuff going on. I hope I still have readers and I hope I can post more often. Leave Comments, and such things. I really appreciate it. Remember First comment gets dedication of next chapter. Thanky!!! I again apologize for the update being so late! I love you anyway!!

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