Chapter 33

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I'm the worst person alive right now, I am so bloody sorry guys. I know constantly apologizing will do nothing, but I hope you guys understand that I've had exams, transitioning into year 11, which piles on the homework, and I've needed a long ass break to pull myself together. I had lost the original chapter 33, so I had to REWRITE which was annoying, but it had to be done.

Again, I am so sorry and I love you <3 Alright, no more blubbering. 


Indie's POV

Have you ever been in a situation where you wish you weren't in a situation as such? Funnily enough, I was in one of those situations now. Come to think of it, I'm always in situations like these.

I mean honestly, what is going on?

"As much as I'd love to rip your throat apart right now, Saxon looks like he's about to do the same to your father. And I don't think I'd like to be picking up the remnants of the bastard." Colton said to Derek. He pointed to the stairs leading upwards. "So, if you will."

Derek stood staring at Colton and I for a while longer, before nodding reluctantly and heading up the stairs first. I followed after Colton, wondering what kind of  hell will be brought upon us now that the father of the two men who tried killing me is upstairs, waiting.

Oh joy.

"You have no business being here." I heard someone growling. Saxon, no doubt.

"I am not allowed to see my own sons; one of which is a successful Alpha?" This man's voice sounded just like Saxon's, the only difference was you could tell he was aged more.

Derek, Colton and I stood in the shadows of the doorway, silently looking on at the bantering that was happening before our eyes.

My eyes trained in on Derek and Saxon's father. He looked like them; same brown mysterious yet sardonic eyes, same jaw line, yet his hair was greying faster than a humping rabbit. 

"Two sons that you couldn't give a shit about." Saxon snapped back. Just as his father was about to retort with his own remark, Derek interjected, his brows raised. 

"Oh don't pull that shit on us, dearest father. Coming to see your two sons?" He asked sarcastically. "Or the son you manipulated to get your ways?" I raised an eyebrow myself, not expecting those kind of words to be said from Derek, considering we all thought he was on his father's side. 

"Derek, Saxon I-" Neither Saxon nor Derek let him speak though.

"Save it." They both snapped. I tried to cover my smile as I looked on.

'Now is not the time to be smiling, you moron.' An inner voice was telling me. I furrowed my brows, scratching my head.

It was like the voice was real...

"You never cared for any of us." Saxon spat. "Not even the son you supposedly 'favored.' You were using us at your own will. To get what you wanted when you wanted. You never wanted me to be Alpha. You just needed someone to hold the pack together while you so inconspicuously made a plan consisting of your own selfish needs." His fury was evident through every bit of movement he did.

Derek's emotions mirrored his brother's.

"Derek, what are you doing?" Their father hissed. "Saxon? You are supposed to stand by me." He demanded.

"Because you stuck by us when we needed you, right?" Derek said, crossing his arms as he slowed his walking when he reached his brother. "We may not agree with each other." He said, pointing between himself and Saxon. "But we have a bond not even you can break. I may be easily manipulated, constantly pushed around, and I might be considered the 'bad guy' here, but don't even think for one second that you had my full attention when you called me." 

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