Chapter 40: End

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I was in complete and utter happiness. Hayden was alive and well, and the pack had been celebrating in relief and happiness.

Things between Colton and I had never been better, and we were to have our Wedding soon too. The truce between our pack and Saxon's proved to be working really well. No surprise attacks have happened ever since Neil and his men died in that house.

Derek and Saxon were, to some extent, sad that their father had to die. Of course, anyone would be. No matter how much of an asshole Neil was, he was still their father, and they still acknowledged that. They had a small funeral for him, only having their close family and Colton and I to attend. I made sure not to shed a tear. I couldn't, anyway.

Derek had managed to redeem himself in the eye of his brother; of course it didn't take long for Saxon to crumble. It was his brother; his twin. He may be a hard-ass, but he wasn't that bad. Anyway, after about two weeks of Derek being with his original pack, he and Saxon shared the status of Alpha. I personally didn't know how it would work, but it was, and I was glad. Derek deserved that much.

Dad had called mom and let her know that I was fine and well. Of course, she questioned our sudden 'buddy' like relationship, and it took about three or so hours on Skype to explain to her everything.

Well, almost everything. The secrecy of werewolves were to stay until dad thought she could handle it.

During our Skype call, I had introduced mom to Colton. She was over the moon that I had found a guy, but after explaining to her that Colton was the guy who 'pranked' me, she cracked it at him a little.

Leon also spoke to her, which confused her to absolutely no end. She yelled at all of us, dad included, about how she was left out of the 'family spending time', although she was happy that we were all getting along.

So, after Leon explained to her why he wasn't at College, the answer being that he had a 'change of heart', mom dismissed him, and left us to go to work.

I still felt a pang of guilt about hiding so many things from mom. Her two children were werewolves and her husband was mated to one. I say husband because they never actually officially got a divorce.

After all that's happened, I thought that there would be no more adventures that I would saunter through.

Boy was I wrong.

Colton; my dearest, lovely, secret keeping Colton, decided that now was the best time to let me know his mother was coming.

Yes. Now. Of all times to pay us a visit, it was now.

He'd told me that he hadn't really had a choice, as she basically let him know she was coming to visit, she didn't ask.


So now, as I was making a few snacks with Whitney, I remembered the story about Colton's sister; about how she died, and how his mother was emotionless about the whole event.

I wasn't even sure I wanted to meet this woman.

"I'm telling you, she won't approve." Whitney said, casting me a knowing smirk. I smiled smugly at my choice of outfit, glancing at Whitney in the process.

"I know." I said, smiling.

I made it my mission to tease his mother a little.

Just for the sake of it.

I hadn't lost the humorous side of me; I wasn't ready to mature just yet. There was still a little bit of joker Indie inside of me, and while she was here, I was going to use her.

"You look like you're ready to slash tires." She laughed. I grinned, shaking my head.

"You know me too well." I laughed, finishing up the last of the snacks. I smoothed down my graphic top of The Joker grinning sadistically, and made sure my combat boots had enough dirt on them. I wiped my hands on my black jeans, and ruffled up my hair a little.

Colton walked in as I was 'fixing' my look, smirking when he caught sight of my hair.

"If I didn't know you any better, I'd think you were trying to piss off my mother." He said, coming up behind me. I laughed as he snaked his arms around my waist, his face buried in the side of my neck.

"Guess you know me too well." I laughed, turning around in his arms. I smiled at him, planting a small kiss on his cheek.

He smiled softly at me, giving me a small, sweet kiss on my forehead, before standing straight.

"Piss her off real good." He said, winking as he slapped my butt. I let out a surprised shout, slapping hit butt back while I had the chance. "I like 'em feisty." His attempt at an Australian accent was almost saddening.

He tried.

I shook my head, breathing out a small laugh. Colton went back to manning the barbecue, while I decided to check on Hayden. He was in the infirmary, his leg still broken. It was healing, although the process for some strange reason was extremely slow.

I smiled as I opened the door to the infirmary, noticing Hayden was looking out the window; down where everybody was gathered, making small talk or watching Colton flip meat.


"How're you going?" I asked when he looked at who had entered his room.

"Pretty good actually." He said, looking back out the window. "I'm not dead." He said, breathing out a small laugh.

My smile faltered as I watched him.

"Hayden, I'm really sorr-"

"Don't." He stopped me. "Don't you dare try and take the blame." He turned around, his face now serious.

"If I hadn't been so caught up-"

"Indie, hey." He said, shaking his head. "Seriously, if you apologize again I'm ignoring you."

I let out a breathy laugh.

"C'mon man. I've known you for, what, almost six months? And never did I ever question your actions. You were focused on beating down the enemy, it's understandable. Now, I'll admit," He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "When I was alone in the woods, I thought you left me there on purpose; tried to get rid of me." He said. "You were always jealous of my video gaming skills."

I laughed, shaking my head.

He smiled, standing up with a small limp. "It's ok Indie, really. I'm ok."

I nodded, my guilt still not fading away completely.

"Now." He began, stretching his back. "I want food, help me."

And with that, I helped Hayden down the stairs, laughing each time he stepped down with a stiff leg.

After I helped Hayden, and walked around aimlessly, greeting people here and there, the door bell finally rang.

I exchanged glances with Colton, who gave me a small nod. I blew out a breath of air, and went to open the door with him.

"Hello Colton, darling."

She. Looked. Fancy.

She was just about my height, maybe even a little taller. She had pale skin, completely opposite of Colton, and was wearing a tube skirt with a crisp white dress shirt. Pearl bracelets, necklaces and earrings covered her, and I couldn't help the look of distaste from coming onto my face.

"Still dressing horridly I see." She said, her nose turned up in the air.

'Bitch.' I said to my wolf, who agreed.

"Still injecting yourself with Botox I see." He retorted, moving to the side. "Oh please, come in." He added, his voice filled with dislike.

I had never seen someone hate their mother so much. Not even Saxon and Derek acted like this towards their father.

But then again, their father had some emotion to him. This woman did not.

"Where's this Indigo, you told me about." She said, crossing her arms. Her eyes passed me, glancing at every female in the room besides me.

 "Yeah, that'd me be." I said loudly. I put on a sweet smile when her gaze snapped to me. Colton came to stand next to me, a smirk on his face.

"This is Indie, my mate and Luna of our pack." He said proudly, slinging an arm around my shoulders. She looked at me in shock, her eyes drinking in my outfit.

She shook her head, like this was a joke.

"Funny." She said, rolling her eyes at Colton. "Now, c'mon. Stop pulling tails, where is she?"

"Ouch." I said, crossing my arms. Colton sighed, rubbing his temples.

"This is her, mom." He said.

She stood, wide eyed in front of me, and stared dumbfounded at my shirt.

"You look...astonishing." She muttered, her eyes wide. She wrinkled her nose when it came to looking at my shoes, and shook her head again. "And here I thought you had maybe accomplished something great in your life, Colton."

Oh no she didn't.

"Alright." I said loudly, grabbing everyone's attention. "Enough of this shit. Either you accept me as your son's mate, or get on out of here. I personally would prefer the latter, but I'm trying to be nice."

"How dar-"

"Save that speech. I really don't care." I said, rolling my eyes. A smirk plastered on my face when I noticed a few people coughing, trying to cover up their laughs.

"I have the power to-"

"No, actually, you don't have the power to do anything. You see, last I checked, I was the Luna." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Colton, this better not be some sick joke you're playing on me." She snapped.

"Oh, this is real." He said, snorting a laugh.

"But she-"

Colton didn't let her finish as he called out to everyone.

"Food's ready!" He yelled. The small crowd let out a few whoops, and everyone made their way at the back, where most of the pack were.

Colton thought that while we were having this barbecue, it could be a good time to get to know the pack better, so they could get used to their new Luna.

For the rest of the night, I stood by Colton, a beer in my hand and a grin plastered on my face as I watched his mother uncomfortably mingle with the pack she once knew.

It's safe to say that no one wanted to speak to her. She basically betrayed this pack anyway, after she showed no wanting to be here. She didn't mourn her husband's or daughter's death in any way, either.

She was a straight out shitty person.

And now, as I looked at all the people gathered around each other, speaking animatedly, all I could think about was this journey I had been on.

There have been ups, no doubt have there been downs, and there have been straight out weird moments. But I would never wish them away, because they all led me here; to this moment, with someone who I love. I was given another chance, I wasn't going to screw up this time.

And to think, that all this started with a Godforsaken mushroom. And Walmart.

You can never forget Walmart.

 Thinking back to it, I was glad I was there. Super glad. I was accomplishing absolutely naught with my life, and now, being the female Alpha for a goddamn wolf pack has given me so much responsibility, I'm actually not sure I even want it.

But, eh. What are you going to do? It's all about that 'fate' shit, right?

Before this, had someone told me that werewolves existed, I'd have registered the poor soul's ass into a mental asylum.

Little did I know, it was my ass that needed the asylum. This whole fantasy world being real had no doubt taken it's toll on me, and my mind was in pain from all the information I had to take in.

I still can't believe it. How time has flown by, and where I am now.

It was only yesterday that I was choking on water; that slashing tires in Walmart was the best thing I could do in a week. I felt like it was only yesterday that I had lost all hope for myself; that my mother was begging me to do something with my life.

Well, have I accomplished that? It's debatable, but in a way, yes. I'm not choking on water, that's for sure.

"So," Colton said beside me, his eyes scanning the people talking happily.

"So," I copied, following his eyes.

He let out a breath, shaking his head.

"What is it?" I asked, smiling.

He looked at me, a small smile on his face.

"What a fucking year."



There 's still an Epilogue, so don't fret just yet. I want to thank every single one of you lovely, adorable people for supporting me throughout this whole journey.

I was so proud of this book, from start to finish. It's gotten a lot more attention than I thought it would get, and it's been an absolutely amazing ride.

Thank you.

I can't stress how much I'm appreciative and grateful to you guys, honestly. I can't even put it in words.

So thank you, again, for so much. Commenting, inboxing me, voting for me, giving me so much support; everything. You've been absolutely amazing as fans, and as friends, and I absolutely adore you guys for that.

SO. This is it; the end. :( The Epilogue won't be too long, I promise you guys that. If you have any last minute comments, ABOUT ANYTHING, comment now, because I'd love to see one last round before this Bound To You journey is over <3

Also, sorry about any mistakes.

Now, for the second last time (unless you're reading Hopeless Morons)


Stay incredibly awesome, strut what yo mamma gave you and keep that beautiful smile on your face lovelies! -Sabrinaa

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