Abbi staying?

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Aphmau's POV
After my mom left we were sitting in the living room playing with the babies and talking to Alania
Aaron:"So mom I was wondering when we could get Abbi to stay over?"
Alania:"Oh honey I don't really care that's between you two and your little sister"
Aaron:"So who's coming to get you"
Alania:"Well Andrew and Abbi are they wanted to see you guys and the babies"
Aaron:"You think you could get Andrew to pack a bag for her and surprise her"
Alania:Ughh sure I'll go give him a call
The next day
Abbi's POV
I yell across the house to him
Andrew:"I don't know but hurry we have to be there in 2 hours and it's a hour and a half drive"
Abbi:"Ughh fine"
I then rummage through my drawers and find what I'm going to wear (Below)

Aphmau's POV After my mom left we were sitting in the living room playing with the babies and talking to Alania Aaron:"So mom I was wondering when we could get Abbi to stay over?"Alania:"Oh honey I don't really care that's between you two and your...

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Abbi:"Ok Andrew I'm ready to go"
I say as I walk down the stairs to the car grabbing my phone,Charger and my headphones
I open the passenger door to my brothers truck honestly I like Aaron's better
Aaron's truck (below)

Abbi:"Ok Andrew I'm ready to go"I say as I walk down the stairs to the car grabbing my phone,Charger and my headphonesI open the passenger door to my brothers truck honestly I like Aaron's better Aaron's truck (below)

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Andrews truck (below)

I miss Aaron so much that's honestly why I'm going I miss Aphmau too cause I like her and of course I miss my nieces and nephews

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I miss Aaron so much that's honestly why I'm going I miss Aphmau too cause I like her and of course I miss my nieces and nephews.........
Andrew gets in the car and then looks at me
Andrew:"Abbi what are you wearing we're going to get mom and hang with Aaron and Aph not to see your so called boyfriend"
Abbi:"Shut the hell up Andrew I'm gonna murder you"
Andrew:"Ok ok god we're leaving....So what do you wanna talk about for an hour and a half"
Abbi:"I don't know I honestly really don't care"
Andrew:"Hmmm ok ok you might not wanna talk about this but I'm curious"
Abbi:"Oh no what?"
Andrew:"So you have a boyfriend correct!"
Abbi:"Y-yes where is this going?"
Andrew:"How long have you two been together?"
Abbi:"Well lets see I was 12 and a half and now I'm 16 and a half soooo?..."
Andrew:"Hold up did I miss a couple birthdays!?"
Abbi:"No you just weren't paying attention any way so like 4 years or something like that"
Andrew:"Have you guys ever kissed?"
Abbi:"This is just between us right?"
Andrew:"Abbi you know if never tell anyone anything unless you wanted me to you can trust me"
Abbi:"Ok we have..."
Andrew:"A lot?"
Abbi:"Kinda I guess we could call it that"
Andrew:"Call what what?"
He raises his eyebrows in confusion
Andrew:"Have you ever done anything"
He raises his eyebrows and kinda keeps them there as I sit there trying to figure a couple things out like if I should tell him
Andrew:"Abbi..Have you done anything with him?!"
Abbi:"Ok what are we specifying as "anything"?"
Andrew:"I think you know what I mean Abbs"
Abbi:"Uhh I mean kinda"
Andrew looks over at me then back at the road
Andrew:"What are we specifying as "Kinda"
Abbi:"What do you want me to say?"
Andrew:"I'm not gonna tell anyone if that's what your worried about be open with me I'll be open with you kinda like what me and Aaron used to do"
Abbi:"We um um did (clears throat) it"
Andrew:"When?Like recently?"
Abbi:"Not very recently it was a couple weeks after my 14th birthday but it was just that one time I honestly don't think I was even ready for that and don't even go into the talk about peer pressure and shit he didn't pressure me if anything I pressured him I just wanted to see how it felt to be like a real adult and do adult things cause mom and dad never let me do anything and it's ridicules honestly they never cared about what you and Aaron used to do"
Andrew:"Well I mean for one you had a better age for me I don't know about Aaron he never told me but anyway and two I actually like your boyfriend mom and dad hated my girlfriend at the time"
Abbi:"What do you mean better age?you were younger then 14?"
Andrew:"Um I was like a week away from being 13"
Abbi:"ANDREW oh my god do mom and dad know?"
Andrew:"No and they're not gonna know riight Abbi?!"
Abbi:"Hmm me?Well I might need a topic for the way home"
I smirk
Andrew:"Whatever they can't do anything to me now"
Abbi:"I'm kidding"
Me and Andrew keep talking about random stuff that pops into our heads at the moment till another 45 minutes pass and we're at the driveway of Aaron and Aphmau's house
I quickly hop out and start walking towards the front door I then ring the doorbell and wait for someone to answer.........
Hola so I decided to put up pictures of the family's so here you go

Aaron X Aphmau )A Love Like No OtherWhere stories live. Discover now