Guys *sigh*

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Guys this book has done surprisingly well? I have no clue how.. probably because it's a fan fiction but honestly this is the most sucky book ever, the grammar is horrible there is like no editing at all and it's written like a fucking script, I'm done😂👌🏼 Honestly while I do love Aphmau and her fandoms, I honestly haven't been into it very much for the past year or so I mean I'll watch her videos I think they are still doing great don't get me wrong but I've grown as a person and I'm just not into this kind of stuff really anymore. I'm sorry if you guys were expecting me to post more chapters. I meant to but I just got caught up in life and my new book that I'm like really into and I really enjoy writing it. This book and the Aphmau fandom is what showed me wattpad and I'm very happy that I started doing this and I don't regret writing the book what so ever but since this was the first book I ever wrote it's not great and I'll sit here and read over some of my older chapters of this book and think to myself that makes no sense or that is the worst spelling ever😂 Let's just say writing on wattpad has actually helped my grammar, writing, and reading skills no joke. And thinks where it all started, I'm so pleased to see that some of you enjoyed this story but I think it's time for me to move on I mean hell this book has been gong on for 2 years and I just need to let it go and finally swipe that completed button. I really do love and appreciate every single one of you guys, thanks so much for sticking around and if you ever miss my writing go check out my other story that I'm in love with right now😂
It's called So..He's The Bad Boy, there's quite a few chapters and they are still coming for sure, I love you all so much, I hope you enjoyed the book my loves❤️ Goodbye😭

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