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hey guys so my name is liv, and i am the author of this story. i'm a pretty young writer, so i apologize in advance for all mistakes in this book. granted, i am a bit of a grammar nazi though. 

so this book is just thoughts. poems. reminders. encouragement. i wanted to share some of my writing with the world of wattpad. some of this is based on experience, some is not. 

in a way, this book is a diary. a collection of recollections and feelings and experiences that i've gone through. it's not all sad stuff either. i promise. and it's also not all poems. this book will have paragraphs and short stories, so don't fret. 

my hopes are that you read these and they help in some way, whether you can relate or smile or think. i'm always open to messages. please, please, please message me if ever you need anything at all.

 love you all to bits, 


just a few thoughts [poetry]Where stories live. Discover now