Chapter 4

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Annabeths POV
"Great!! I'm in the city that my countries at WAR with and we just got captured and are about to be handed over to the prince, who is my mortal enemy!" I thought as me, Piper and Hazel walked towards the palace. The guards, Jason and Frank, were behind us with their spears out prodding us in the back. I was still in shock that we had landed on ROMAN soil. As we approached the palace I took in the details of the streets so I could begin plotting our escape. It was very narrow with big white temples for the 12 major gods. The palace itself was made of white marble with big columns and statues of the gods. Jason went ahead of us when we entered through the doors." Wait here and don't try anything or you will be killed." He said. Then he turned to Piper and grabbed her under her chin saying,"You dont want to lose such a pretty face do you?" He let go and walked into the throne room. I looked at my friend and jumped. Pipers eyes practically glowed red with fury." Who does he think he is!!!!" She whispered to me. I shrugged my shoulder but thought the same thing. We had to get out of here. I was about to make an escape plan when Jason came back in and ushered us forward into King Poseidon's throne room. We walked in and there, sitting on a throne, looking very smug, was Percy Jackson, Prince of Rome
Wassup guys?
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I didn't but idk 😐
Sorry about the REALLY late post I had volleyball and cheer and school and all that mess so sorry will try to post more often!

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