Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I slide into the booth of the old diner. I was the only customer there, since there was only around thirty people left in the town. The two owners of the diner were a nice old couple and strangely they still ran the diner even though money is easily accessible.

"What would you like?" asked the man, whose name was George.

"Just a lemonade," I reply.

The man walked back into the kitchen leaving me alone. I clamp my hands together in front of me, which helps me not to scream. The sight of my mum always enters my mind when I'm alone and you could say I've gone a bit crazy. Everything happened so quickly, first I found out that I've got an ability and than a couple of minutes later, I'm being attacked by God knows who.

"Here you go," says the man, passing me the lemonade.

"Thanks," I mutter.

I take a sip of the lemonade, then a couple more and place a five dollar note on the table. It's looks like its going to rain, so I get up and walk out of the diner and start off towards my house. Just as I'm about to open the door to my house, a hand grabs my arm and pulls me towards them.

"Say a word and a will kill you," says a familiar voice.

"Talon," is all I say.

"I said shut up," he whispers.

Talon pulls me to around the side of the house. I look around the corner and see Zayden walk past, followed by some people from the other day. I never got a good look at Zayden, but now looking at him I see that he looks a lot like Talon. The shape of his body is the same as Talon's, but his hair is black and slightly spiked up, and his eyes are a dark blue.

"Zay, are you sure she lived around here?" asked one of the girls.

"I'm as sure, as sure can be," he replies.

Zayden pulls out a square device and slides his finger across it. I can't get a good look at it, but I'd say it was some sort of tracker.

"Her energy level is too high, I can't get an exact position, but it is somewhere around here," says Zayden.

"Do you know what level she is?" asks the same girl as before.

"I don't know Aimee, probably a level ten," answers Zayden.

I can tell Aimee likes him, but then again who wouldn't. Zayden looks around angrily, like he's ready to chuck the device at the ground.

"Cecily, we have to go now and I mean now," whispers Talon.

"Okay," I say.

Talon removes his hand from my arm and rushes over to the edge of the porch, then he jumps over the side. I follow him, but I'm not that quiet and attract someone's attention. He stares at me for a while, then he shrugs and turns back to the group. Talon helps me down the side and we run quietly into the trees. It's difficult to weave through the trees, but Talon starts to burn down the branches that are in our way. The flame is blue not red, I heard that blue fire is a lot hotter than red fire, so I try to stay away from it.

"Talon, back there that guy couldn't see me, but he was looking straight at me. Is that another power I have?" I ask.

"Probably. Chris will be able to tell you what's going on once we get there," says Talon.

I'm extremely nervous, I have so many questions to ask. Like what's a Light, who were those people and what am I?

"Talon, what's a Light?" I ask.

"You know how people have abilities, well they're categorised into two groups, Light and Dark," he says. "Light's help protect everyone, whilst Dark's try to destroy everything. Those people back there, they were Dark's."

"What makes a person Dark?" I ask.

"We don't know, but it's in there nature, once your Dark you can't become a Light," he replies.

I think on that for a while, so some people think I'm a Dark and some think I'm a Light. What am I? Could I be both? No that's impossible.

Movement catches my eye and breaks me out of my thoughts. I see a glint of silver and a flash of green.

"Talon watch out!" I shout.

I drop to the ground, watching the green light fly over my head. Talon dodges the light and starts toward the attacker.

"Cecily, stay back!" yells Talon.

I see a flash of blue and hear a scream, a body crumples to the ground and another. Images flash through my mind, images of bodies crumpled, blood and more blood. I put my hands to my ears and scream, the images don't disappear, I scream louder. Talon rushes over to my side, he says something but I can't hear him. He picks me up and carries me through the forest. The images start to disappear and I stop screaming.

"Talon I can run," I mutter.

He sets me on the ground and says, "are you sure?"

"I'm sure," I say.

"Let's go then," he says.

We start running again, I stumble a couple of times but keep running. I look over my shoulder and see some Dark's chasing us, Talon is a faster runner than me and I struggle to keep up.

"We're almost there," he says. "Just another hundred metres."

I look ahead and see nothing but more trees. Rain starts to pour down on me, which cools me down and makes it easier to run. The downside is that the water goes into my eyes and I struggle to see where I'm going. I trip over a root, blood trickles down my wrist, but I gather myself up and keep running. The Dark's are just behind us now and I can hear their footsteps. I look over my shoulder and see one of them reaching out, they're about to grab me, when they stop and turn to ash.

All of a sudden I fell feint, like half of me has been taken away. I feel myself fall to the ground like a rock and I barely feel anything as I hit the ground.

"Cecily!" is the last thing I here before everything goes black.

Author's Note

There it is, chapter 2. Plz vote and give me your feedback. I'll try to get chapter 3 done by this Sunday.

Hope you like :)

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