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 In an article that I read...

There is a heart that

Beats. Countless times.

It is unstoppable.

Just beating and beating.


Almost as if it has a rhythm.


It beats to the rhythm of the song.

The song that connects us all together.

From the contractions of the heart, 'lub, dub'

To the swaying of the trees in the wind.

And the lovely noises that swimming fish make,

the rhythm of the world connects us

To Each Other.


Why are some people out of tune?

When there is beauty everywhere,

They refuse to acknowledge the truth

That seems to exist in places that they can't imagine.

They think that the swaying of the trees didn't bring hope.

And They think that the swimming fish are corrupt in the waters.

And They believe that They are superior,

In terms of morals, than others.

So why aren't they in tune with the world?


The veins and arteries of the heart are in tune with one another.

The Veins take blood to the heart

While the Arteries take blood away from the heart.

When this cycle ceases to exist,

The entire organism dies.


When hatred is everywhere

And acceptance is nowhere,

I fear that humanity will

Cease to exist.

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