How to Save a Life!

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How to Save a Life!

NOTES::: Please Read! Also go read or by the novel *13 reason why* it’s newer & really good. It makes you think about every little thing you do in the end. When I was writing this it reminded me of that book.


What happens when you need help, where your life is in danger just being awake with yourself, when you realize you can’t do it alone anymore when trying to be strong isn’t good enough & you realize things that might help, you realize you can’t keep pushing everybody away because the only thing that can save you right now, when you’re like this is not yourself, you realize that you’re feeling this way because certain chemicals in your brain don’t work right & certain lobes, nerves systems might not be transferring things properly you tell yourself it won’t last, you tell yourself this feeling will go away, you tell yourself you'll forgot what shouldn’t be forgotten & the pain your feeling will fade. What happens when you find the guts to ask for help? You even feel good about being brave enough to ask; to ask for somebody to just talk to somebody who you think really cares. You ask for somebody who you think will always be there who you thought would try everything to help you save your life. You start simple asking your friends & family for somebody to talk to not wanting to act like it’s as big of a deal as it is not wanting to let them know that your laying out your life in their hands & it’s their choice whether or not that take it & what they do with it can alter your life & theres completely. What happens when you realize that this feeling you & everybody else has been telling you will go away doesn’t. What happens when nobodies around to help, & nobody understands how serious it is to do a simple act like try & be there for you. What happens when you've giving up & nobody sees it & all you want is someone to see it because every time you try & tell them they don’t understand how urgent it is to help you which reminds of all your dead friends & lovers who ask but were never taken seriously so they ended their life, & you hate yourself now because it was so clear as day now, they almost begged for your help & you left them stranded to take it on they’re own. 

As much as we don’t want to admit it, we NEED each other. *EACHOTHER* is all we have, though we may pass away, you have to remember that everything you say & do effects people I had to learn that the hard way to many times, now I’m left broken. We also have to remember that there always won’t be something there for you but if you have the chance to be there for somebody else even when you think it’s just a normal everyday chat DO IT! Don’t regret not being there like I have to. It doesn’t take long to lose a life. It also doesn’t take long to change one. To save one! Talk to your friend & loved ones. Talk to your Family. Talk to your Pets for god sakes. For Them & yourself. So today I would like to ask you to do that for somebody who matters allot to you. I would like you too look closely at everybody in your life & look for somebody who may be showing signs of depression, don’t mock them when they say there sad, don’t feel awkward with their sadness either, don’t ever doubt that when somebody threatens to kill themselves there joking, because most likely there not. People don’t say that just to joke around even if they don’t know that at the time. Never take a life for granted because your life can change just by they're leaving. So please today I ask you to talk to somebody you care about. You might not know it but you’re saving a life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2012 ⏰

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