Welcome to McDonald

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Some of this stuff happen a while ago and I'm using nicknames for my friends.
So we're at school saying goodbye to our parents and stuff because we're leaving for band camp. Then after a while we get on the bus to leave for a collage (i know the collage but I don't want to tell you because you don't need to stalk us😄) . And we stopped for lunch at some point. The area had McDonald, Burger King, and
Taco Bell. Me and my friends saw a playscape at McDonald. Being the immature 9th graders we are went to McDonald to play on the playscape while my friends got in line for food I found us a spot to sit because I had my own lunch. So Creek gets there first and I go in the playscape. Then everyone else shows up a shortly after. Then Dankmemelord decides to join me in the playscape. Then our other friends join us. Dankmemelord starts eating lunch in the playscape.
Me and Creek are goofing around with dankmemelord and then Shoey walks up to us a yells FRESHMEN. And we start laughing are asses off.
Cancer one of our other friends came from burger king with one of the kids crowns and he left Joe (Joe is a nickname.) (There is a reason he picked this name you'll see later why he picked Joe.) Me and Creek kept terrorizing Cancer through the slide.
Other shit happened and then someone opened the door that was a fire exit and the alarm went off. Then we got back on the bus. We played heads up goofed off some more and then we arrived at camp.
This is when hell started.

This one time at band camp: the bizzare things that happen in our everyday liveWhere stories live. Discover now