Chapter 9

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As Dumbledore continued his speech, I found myself missing things from time to time. My mind was whirling. I kept thinking about class tomorrow, how I would handle the students, what we would be doing in class, although that was easy enough to guess; we would, no doubt brief the students on the standard introduction to the course along with the safety precautions.

Thinking of magical creatures immediately brought my mind to Charlie. I wondered if he was safe. He was back in Romania now, working on the reserve, as well as continuing to do work for the Order. Though I had been away from him for so much longer in the past, now that we were a couple, it was different. It was like my missing him was heightened. It was an acute feeling of missing something...I couldn’t quite describe it, but it was almost as if he had left with a part of myself.

I tried to push those thoughts out of my mind, though. I could not afford to miss out on any important information. If I was to keep my job with that hag from the Ministry overseeing everything that went on at Hogwarts, I had to do my best to give her no reason to want me gone. Well, no more reason than she already had, I mean I suppose she could not be blamed for worrying about the fact that I, a blind woman, would be teaching a class full of magical creatures, but that still did not dismiss the fact that I found her to be obnoxious and pompous.

I tried to listen to Dumbledore again, making it seem like I was paying full attention to his words, “Tryouts for the House Quidditch teams will take place on the--”

Just as soon as I had started to pay attention, though, the annoying, toad-like, Umbridge interrupted him, “Hem, hem.”

I knew then, that she was about to make a speech. I was appalled; no one had ever had the gall to interrupt Dumbledore. This woman took the word ‘disrespectful’ to a whole new level. I could not believe some of the things she had said and done, and I had only known her for a few hours at most. I heard her chair scrape against the ground as she stood up from next to me. I tried my hardest not to make a face showing my displeasure. Behave Katrina, I scolded myself, there is too much at stake to risk this...think of what Dumbledore and McGonagall have said...tolerate her...kill her with kindness...anything to avoid being fired...what would Charlie this for Charlie, think of how proud he’ll be if you uncover something important.

Feeling sufficiently more calm and determined, I sat back, preparing for Umbridge’s speech.

“Thank you, Headmaster,” she simpered annoyingly, “for those kind words of welcome.”

Her voice was so high-pitched, it reminded me of a small girl. I could not help the rush of dislike that I felt for her. It seemed that she thought she was trying to fool people into thinking that she was innocent and kind, when in reality, I was sure that she was manipulative and cold-hearted. She might have fooled some of the other staff members, but she would not fool me, but that did not mean that I would give in to her taunting.

    This was my job. I had to take it seriously. I couldn’t let her get to me. I had to be strong, for the sake of the Order.

    Again, my thoughts were interrupted by Umbridge, “Hem, hem. Well, it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts, I must say,” she paused, probably to flash a phony smile at the gathered students, “And to see such happy little faces looking back at me!”

    I had to bite my tongue to resist laughing outright at that absurd statement. Though I could not see, I knew enough of teenagers and students at Hogwarts to be certain that none of the “happy little faces” were smiling up at her. If anything, they were probably either half asleep, or taken aback by being treated and spoken to like children.

    “I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all, and I’m sure we will all be very very good friends,” she trilled. I almost snorted at this. Goodness, she was outdoing herself already. She had barely spoken two sentences and already I could not take her seriously. Though, I was sure, there was a darker, more sinister, side to this overly-friendly woman.

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