Chapter 2

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The air inside of the house was tense and stuffy. I felt claustrophobic. The few steps I took inside the kitchen felt like walking down a deep dark hall of nothingness. Like being sucked into a black hole on the mission to be the first man or woman on the moon.

Thought #1 on my journey to the end of infinity and beyond: It's been about 50 years since the Apollo 11 mission landed the stated first being on the moon, and since astronaut Neil Armstrong took his well known first step onto the lunar surface, saying these famous words, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

"Take it back."

I jump out of my deep thoughts and glance down at the milk visible in my hand, my hands going white at the tips from the grip I'm maintaining, "the milk-wait why?"

There's a long silence, enough to have a quick recap on what happened prior to this.

"Youtalktoboysyoutakefromboysyoucondone," she sighs, "youdontunderstandandyoudontlistenyoudont...youdonglearnuntilthedemontakesfromyou."

I stare at my mother taking in everything she's thrown at me. Like trying to solve an equation, I sit there processing everything over and over again.

"I am going to work now, you can stay home."

I sit the milk on the counter and head up to my room like being punished for disobedience at the age of 6. Halfway up the steps and I can already feel her eyes beaming at the back of my head. I turn around.

"Milk...back to the store. Get a new one this one is infected." She pushes the milk to the side in disgust.

I grab the milk and throw it in the backseat of my car, my insides are heating. I don't know why I'm angry, but I am. This act towards men obviously makes little sense. She had to have me and to have me she had to be with a man, my father. Just because her relationship ended abruptly does not mean that I will walk in her footsteps. I learn from her mistakes and I work a way around it not turn around and ignore the part of life that she went through and fucked up. But something in me is radiating disobedience. I feel as if my thoughts are poisoning.

"Why the frivolity?"

I can hear those words repeated in my head. His hypnotizing eyes and masculine hands as he handed me the milk.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers as his hands graze my jaw and slide across my collar bone and then down on the valley of my breasts.
I'm in awe as I sit there staring into his eyes, my mind is at ease and I'm relaxed.
"You're really gonna give a man his milk back after he does so much to be kind and get your attention? It's like telling a man that buying you a drink won't give me your number," he smirks.
"You entitled bastard," I whisper more like breathed. My fingers are wrapped around his wrist, his veins pushing against the skin of his forearm. He smells like vanilla and honey, what a natural and lovely scent unlike a scent you would expect from someone as masculine as him.
"Are you sniffing me, kitten?" He cocks his head to the side and arches one of his brows. His hand runs along my bottom lip and I lick my lip in response and reflex.
He chuckles and his fingers move away from my face and his scent disappears.

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