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A sharp laugh burst from Kadlin's candy floss-colored lips, and she crossed her long, thin arms across her chest, leaning her back against the trunk of the tree behind her. "Yeah, I'm sorry, buddy, but that's not happening. You don't want to mess with an Allen."

Slowly, the man reached up with his large, tanned hands to remove the shades from his face and tuck them in the pocket of his suit. Behind them, his eyes were a curious shade of amber, although they brought out the angular shape of his face and rigid cheekbones. His gaze darkened, his lips pulling down in a scowl, and he balled his hands into fists at his side." Miss Allen, I am Agent Blake Fisher, level eleven, of the  organization EVEREST. And if you do not come with us willingly, I can assure you that your brother Elijah here will die."

As if to prove his point, he now turned to the limp, crumpled, bound and gagged heap that was Kadlin Allen's brother, Elijah. Drawing back his leg, he kicked Elijah sharply in the spot between two of his ribs. Another agent grabbed his arm and twisted it backward, so much that even from where she stood two feet away Kadlin could hear the snap of bone in Elijah's arm.

And Kadlin froze, her cobalt blue eyes widening as she watched as Elijah's green eyes went wide, his mouth open in a scream muted by the cloth they had him gagged with. Elijah. Elijah, Elijah, Elijah.

All she could focus on now was her older brother's broken arm still twisted by the other agent, and how Agent Fisher's kick would surely leave a bruise. All she wanted to do was to kill him- kill all of them.

And that's when she felt the rage. The angry, searing, pulsing boil of rage that rose just beneath the surface. And suddenly, her vision was tinted with red.

Throwing back her head, an angry howl of rage ripped form her lungs and without even thinking twice she had already shifted into her wolf form.

Snarling, she leapt from where she stood, hurtling through the air until she bashed into Agent Fisher'a chest, knocking him what she hoped was quite painfully to the ground.

Baring her fangs in an angry snarl in Fisher's face, she takes her thorn sharp claws down his chest, leaving long mars that made his suit blossom with blood, before jabbing her teeth into his jugular.

The man howled, his heavy, bulky form heaving, suddenly twisted with convulsions. Leaping off of his thrashing from, Kadlin snarled, watching until he stilled, a whoosh of air leaving his lungs for the final time as his eyes dimmed and the light in them was extinguished. A pool of blood surrounded the man's corpse, enough until it stained her white paws red.

For a few moments, it was completely silent.

And then, all at once, there were shouts of horror, then distant bangs that Kadlin had to swerve to avoid when she found that they were bullets from their guns.

One agent leapt onto her back, throwing their arms around her neck as she bucked to throw him off. And then another, and another, until they forced her to the ground and her vision went black from the pressure on her throat.

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