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"I'm so sorry!"

"I'm so sorry!"

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It had been a few minutes since Natasha left Will. He just stood there, leaning against the wall, trying to keep awake. The several blows he had received to the head had made his vision occasionally slip in and out of focus, making him wobble on his feet. He was surprised he remained awake.

His head had only just stopped bleeding, but he had lost quite a bit of blood. Will needed to find some bandages, quickly.

Managing, barely, to stay on his feet, Will took some careful steps to the hole in the wall, courtesy of Bruce and Thor. Placing his hand on the wall he passes, he keeps himself stead as he walks, having a tight grip on his gun, his fingers turning white.

He was finally able to reach the main hallways. Looking down each one, seeing that some of them were empty. Raising his gun up, he kept it there as he walked, watching his back as he continued to the medical room, seeming to forget Natasha's words.

Will tried to keep his footsteps as quiet as possible, but he was never trained for these situations, so it shouldn't be a surprised when someone hear him.

A bullet passed his left ear as he turned a corner. Quickly ducking, he back tracked and pressed his back against the wall. His breathing started to pick up as did his heart beat. Will could feel the back of his neck and the palm of hands slowly start to sweat.

He readjusted his grip on the gun and peaked his head around the corner. One man, with bright blue eyes (Will remember Natasha saying that the men under Loki's spell gained those eyes.), with a gun and a bullet proof chest plate. The soldier noticed him and shot at him again.

Will hid around the wall again, closed his eyes, counted to ten in his head and took a few deep breathes to calm his nerves. Re-opening his eyes, he turned his head to the side to see if he could hear the man on the other side of the wall.

After straining himself, he could hear the sounds of the man reloading his gun. Will took the opportunity to use the soldier distraction to his advantage.

He spun around the corner and fired, without aiming, hoping for the best. Will must have closed his eyes because when he heard a thud on the floor, he opened them again.

Looking ahead, he saw the soldier on the ground. Will felt quite proud of himself which was soon short-lived as he heard a horrible gurgling sound coming from the man.

Will's doctor instincts suddenly kicked in as he ran over to the man. He felt himself gasp at the sight.

The bullet he had shot. He had expected it to hit his leg, maybe his bullet proof chest.

But the bullet he shot passed right through the man's neck, making him choke on his own blood.

Will fell on his knees, dropping his gun, and pressing his hand tightly against his neck, in a failed attempt in stopping the blood flow. His hands shook so much that he almost wasn't able to control them.

In the back of Will's mind, he knew. He knew he had killed him, but he wouldn't accept it. He can't accept the fact that he had killed someone.

The man coughed again, spraying blood on his Will's face.

Will's body shook.

He was finally able to get his hand to stop shaking so much and pressed down hard on the wound.

"H-Hey." Will shakenly said, trying to get the man's attention, "Sta-stay with me, okay? Please, please stay with me." He could feel tear build up in his eyes, but he blinked them away.

Will finally looked down into the man's eyes and froze.

His eyes weren't bright blue anymore. They were a dull brown. And they were full of fear.

Will released a broken sob as he saw this. This soldier wasn't under Loki's spell anymore, he had killed an innocent man.

"Oh God! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He said to the man quite loudly.

The doctor watched as his patient slowly died, his blood pouring out of mouth, out of wound and seeping through Will's fingers. Will watched as the unknown man's fear filled eyes turned into an empty blank stare up at the ceiling.

Will shook even more.

He flung himself away from the body, his back slamming against the wall behind him.

Looking down at his hands, Will could feel bile creep up at the back of his throat, making want to cough. His hands were covered in blood. Dead man's blood.

Even though Will's hands had been covered in blood before, whether it be when he was a doctor at a hospital, or when he was stitching his brother up. But those times were different. This time someone died. Died at the hands of Will Banner. A man who sworn to himself that he would try and help as much people as he possibly can.

However, he couldn't even protect his own brother, how was he going to help people?

It was in this moment where Will had started to feel self-hatred. His brother being an uncontrolled rage monster? His fault. The body of a dead man in front of him? His fault.

He never should have followed his brother here.

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