Back to Humans... or Ninjas... or Immortals?

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Chapter Five

I exhale heavily and look around again at the kittens sitting on my bed. After deciding that they wouldn't harm me since I didn't mean them any harm, I picked them up one by one, examining them.

"So I finally get to meet my favorite people do I? So, you must be Deidara? And you're Itachi, and Sasori, Zetsu, Kakuzu, Pain, Konan, Kisame, and you're Obit-Tobi, you're Tobi. Lovely to finally meet you all, even though I can't understand you. Hehe." I say as I rub the back of my head at the situation at hand. I sigh, and realize that I can't leave them like this because they're going to have to find a way to get back into Naruto.

'Maybe I could go with them. I mean, I don't really have anything here, and no one to miss me, so I could definitely think about-'

"Hey bitch, I'm talking to you!" Hidan yells in my face. I grit my teeth and refrain from punching his fucking face in.

"My name is not bitch, and you interrupted my thinking, so this better be fucking good." I say through my gritted teeth and ball my fists up, getting ready to knock his lights out. His eyes widen slightly, and he backs away from me, then clears his throat.

"Well, what I was saying lady, is that we need to find out how to turn at least leader back to normal." Hidan says as he closes his eyes and crosses his arms. I giggle at him and relax slightly.

"Haleigh." I say as I hold out my hand to him. He eyes it curiously before looking back up to me.

"What?" He questions, confused. I roll my eyes at him and grab his hand, shaking it lightly before letting go again.

"My name, it's Haleigh. And you're Hidan of the Akatsuki, you use people's blood against them, you're a masochist, and your partner is Kakuzu." I say. His eyes widen considerably as I roll off the information. I hear meowing behind me, and turn around to see Kisame meowing at Kakuzu.

"How the fuck did you know all of that?!? You're a fucking spy aren't you?!? That would explain why pictures of Itachi and the barbie were on that box in the other room!" Hidan yells, pointing his finger at me and jumping off of the bed, putting a good distance between him and myself.

"No, I'm not a spy. I have... special knowledge. And you don't need to know how. I know everything about each and every one of you." I say gesturing to all of the cats behind me. Everything goes silent for a few moments before I decide to speak again.

"So we need to recall what we were doing when you changed back. I know I was cooking, speaking of which, I'm starving. And I cut my finger and you attacked me you shit head." I sneer at Hidan. He chuckles madly.

"Can't help it, so do you think it's the blood bitch?" He says, then asks. I sigh in frustration and rub my temples for a few moments before answering.

"My name is Haleigh, bitch. And yes I do, so chop your finger off, or stab yourself or whatever you do." I say, slightly aggravated at him.

"Why the fuck does it have to be me?!?" He yells while pointing to himself. I continue to rub my temples before looking up at him, then back down at my bed.

"Because I already shed my fair share of blood, and I'm not used to cutting myself, not like that anyway." I mumbled quietly but I knew he heard me, just chose not to speak about it.

"Whatever, let's go get a knife." He says and jumps up, waiting for me. I grab Deidara in one arm and Itachi in the other before exiting the room with Hidan and the other kittens following behind me.

"Okay, Deidara first." I say happily and place him on the counter. He looks up at me and I smile at him, rubbing his head softly.

"No fucking way, I'm not gonna-" Hidan begins, but I immediately cut him off before he can finish his sentence.

"I fucking said, Deidara first. He's my favorite. Then, we'll go from there." I growled at him animalistically. His eyes widened considerably, but he agreed nonetheless. He made a large slit on his palm with a knife and held it out to Deidara, who I knew was inwardly cringing. Deidara stuck his tongue out and lightly touched it to Hidan's palm, but nothing happened.

"Huh. Try Itachi. He's my next favorite." I say and scoot Itachi closer by his bottom. Hehehe, I touched Itachi's ass.

"OH YEAH! AND WHERE EXACTLY DO I FALL ON THIS FAVORITES LIST OF YOURS, HUH?!?" Hidan yelled and slung his hand around, causing the blood to go all over my face and counters.

"Well I can tell you right fucking now that you just fell much further down the list, even though you were already nearly at the bottom." I say as I smirk and wipe the blood from my face leaving red colored streaks across my skin. Hidan grumbles before walking over to Itachi who was now sitting patiently on the counter next to Deidara. Hidan shoved his palm in Itachi's face, almost knocking him over. I grew angry and smacked the back of Hidan's head.

"Be fucking gentle! Did I, or did I not just say that Deidara and Itachi were my favorites! Mess with them again and I'll cut your dick off." I seethe as I point a finger at him. Hidan immediately shuts his mouth and slowly puts his hand in front of Itachi, who calmly leans forward and licks Hidan's bloody hand, but again, nothing happens.

"What the fuck!" Hidan yells as he looks at his hand in disbelief. I walk over to the drawer next to the sink and grab a wash cloth and place it in Hidan's hand and wrap it tightly, then sigh in frustration. Out of habit, I put my hand under my chin while I think what else it could be. Suddenly, an idea pops in my head.

"I wonder if- hey Hidan, cut my hand." I say as I give him the knife. Little did I know that that was a terrible idea. I look away and feel the knife being harshly dug into my hand. I scream in pain and jerk my hand away from him, looking at the blood now pouring furiously from my hand.

"That fucking hurt you asshole! You couldn't have done it more lightly?!?" I scream as I clutch my hand in pain as little splats can be heard from the blood dripping onto the floor. I don't wait for Hidan to reply as I walk over to Deidara and dip my finger in the blood that is now overflowing in my hand. He looks at me with what looks like pain in his eyes before gently licking my finger, and as expected, a bright light flashes through my kitchen.

When the light finally dies down, I slowly lift my arms away from my face to see a shirtless Deidara sitting on my counter looking at his hands, and over his body. A furious blush rises to my face as I look up above his head. Before I knew what was happening, Deidara got off of the counter and walked up to Hidan and punched him right in the face.

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