Before We Begin...

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Hello person who is reading this!

The stories that I think up daily never have the chance to be properly written out and edited.  Surprisingly for once I decided to put my procrastination habits aside and write something that has been long over due.


S Y N O P S I S 

Shooting Star is one-shot story that came out of blue all due to a Pinterest post I had seen awhile back. It has a simple story line where a little girl yearns to meet her dead older brother. In the process of "meeting" her brother she meets a boy who gives her a reason to live. 


In life, the value of any object all depends on the viewer's perception.


D E D I C A T I O N 

I sincerely want to thank one of my closest friends @youthly for her continuous support and encouragement to write this story!

I dedicate this story not only her, but to those who sometimes want to ring the bell, but hold themselves back. To those who help out people that are need of a friend. And lastly to those who believe in faeries and mermaids.


In short I hope you all enjoy!

- N A Z

Shooting StarWhere stories live. Discover now