Dead bodies

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We take the first cautious steps into Luke's apartment, black with no sign of him.

I called out his name, but the only response was the faint echoes that went through the halls.

A wave of cold air brushed over my skin, sending goosebumps through my body.

"Shit, Victoria!" Niall silently cussed.

I turned, even though the room was too black to see him, except for the faint outline of his body.

"What?" I asked innocently; my eyes slowly starting to adjust to the dark.

I'm not usually the one who is, but right now I'm shit scared.

"The powers out,"

I let out a breath, which I had no idea I was holding in, reaching into my bra and pulling out my phone, turning on the flashlight.

A path of light was revealed, then Niall caught on and turned his flashlight on.

"Where is that bastard!?" I giggle, trying to hide the shakiness in my voice.

I turn the flashlight to the couch, where I caught a quick glimpse of-

A dead body.

I let out a shrieking scream, that rattled the walls and most definitely woke up the neighbours.

"Oh my god! Victoria!?" Niall yelled, also starting to freak out.

I lost control, absolutely losing it.

My breathing increased, and my heart thumped loud against my chest.

I fell to the floor, tears falling from my eyes.

Then, a moan came from the couch the dead body was left to rot.

"Jesus Christ..."

I turned the flashlight to where the dead body once laid, to see Luke rubbing his forehead with bags under his eyes.

"What the hell was that for!?"

"Oh my god, I thought you were a dead body..." I sighed, clenching my heart in my hands.

"No, idiot, I was sleeping." He moaned, followed by a chuckle from Niall.

"I hate you, Vic!" Luke groaned, giggling slightly.

"Sorry..." Was all I could let out.

"It's ok..."


"Are you joking me!?" Luke yelled, banging his fists on the table.

I flashed Niall a quick look of concern, whilst twiddling my thumbs under the table.

"So you're telling me we don't have any money left from that, any?!" He repeated with rage.

I nodded, then froze with a devilish smile plastered across my face.

I reached into my bra, gaining 2 eye rolls from the boys.

"Come on, if you have extra storage you use it..."

I pulled the rectangular piece of plastic from my cleavage, waving it around.

"How much is on it?" Luke comments, his eyes glued to the masterpiece.

"I don't know?" I said, overemphasising the sentence so it sounded obvious that I wouldn't in fact have any idea of the contents.

"Well who's name is on it?" Niall adds in.

"Joan Tisch?" I read out, asking if anyone knows of her.

"Holy fuck!" Niall says, a smile spread across his face.

Both Luke and I raise our eyebrows.

"Joan Tisch, Billionaire..." He let out through the smile on his face.


I almost break down Cara's door, before it swung open.

She had dark circles around her eyes, and pale skin from the lack of sunlight.

"How long have you been in there?" I ask, directing the question to her but facing her trashed room.

"3 days..." She yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"Let's go out," I suggest.

"No!" she screamed, taking a step back.

"Cara, stop acting like a three year old, I have a surprise," I sing with a smirk across my face.

"This better not be like that time you left me in the woods..." She sighed, walking out of her room and shutting the door behind her.

Cara is much taller than me, so she towers over me even if I'm wearing heels.

"No," I begin. "This is an awesome surprise."


Cara unravelled the blind-fold, revealing the scene before her.

We stood in my studio, with the dress she was saving for across my bed neatly inside a plastic cover.

Her jaw dropped, using her hand to cover it in shock.

She turned to me, grinning like an idiot.

"Where the hell did you get the money from!?" Was all she could let out.

"That's another surprise, now go try it on!" I squealed, starting to get excited.

She walked up to it, lacing her fingers delicately over the plastic cover.

"Thankyou so much Victoria, I owe you one..." She sighed happily, closing the window blinds and checking the door if it was locked.

She stripped out of her blouse and pencil skirt, then pulled the dress out of the cover.

As she put it on, she grinned madly, pulling it up her curves.

I zipped it up at the back, then took a few steps backwards to admire the dress and how beautifully it hugged her.

She smoothed out the creases at her thighs, then looked up at me with a smile.

"Does it look alright?" she said eagerly.

"Nope," I said popping the P.

She looked at me, horrified.

"Oh my god, all this money for a-"

"It looks much better that alright, Cara," I began, and she sighed. "Tonight, we're going to ware that dress in!"

***** Hallooooo,

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! There's lots of drama coming so stay in tuneeee. < I'm not a radio host I promise

Tewday, I'm reccomending Boundaries by Wishingforlovedreams.


The story so far us about a girl who goes to a 5sos concert and Luke sees her and the chapters I've read are the cutest so go check it out (it deserves not 1 but 3 cute faces. ) :3:3:3


Lipstick stains- A Niall Horan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now