Two: New Friend = More Money

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"I'd like to take you home." The Joker said to me in that sweet, sweet tone of his. "For tonight?" You asked, "Sure." He looked at you, a spark of lust in is eye. "Not temporarily, sweet heart. Permanently. I want you to be mine and mine only." He said.
You didn't know how to react, you were happy yet confused. You wrinkled your eyebrows and stood in silence for a moment. He looked at you and snapped his fingers, "C'mon doll, I need you to give me your answer."
You nodded your head, still unsure of how this would work out. He wrapped his arm around your waist in a protective manner. This gesture made you blush a light pink. He led you toward the back, where your boss was.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to take this pretty woman here." He gave a smile. Your boss nodded and opened the back door for J. ((I'm just going to call him that to make it much simpler.))

His house... No his mansion was amazing. It was on the outskirts of Gotham. "Pretty, eh?" He asked as the two of you stepped out of his Lamborghini. You nodded, mainly because you couldn't express how beautiful this place was in words. It was so much more than "Pretty."
"You're lucky doll face, no one is ever allowed here." He continued as a grin creeped up onto his face. You made a grunt like sound, which made him turn his head to look at you. "Oh and by the way, you'll be living here from now on whether you like it or not. And don't worry about getting anything from your old place, you won't be needing it."
"My cat..." you whispered. He made this sort of look and grabbed your cheeks, turning your face towards him. "What was that, sweetheart? Couldn't quite hear ya." You looked into his eyes and spoke a bit louder, "My cat, Raven. I can't just leave her."
J laughed a slow laugh. "A worthless cat? Just let that thing die. You'll get over it." He said, as if Raven was just a dropped ice cream cone. 'You'll get over it' is what angered you the most. You looked at him, anger shown in your now red face. "Take me to her. Now. You can't take such an innocent animals life for granted, you sick bastard."
His grin turned into a frown as he let out a low growl. "Listen here missy, you speak to me like that again you'll get the shit beat outta you. We'll get your stupid pet tomorrow, then no more favors." He grabbed your wrist violently and nearly dragged you to the front door.
He opened it and then took you to your new room. "Here, show her around. Then bring her to my office." He commanded one of the henchmen that was standing nearby. Right before he left he said, "Oh and doll, fix yourself up. You're a mess."

You had gone to the bathroom closest to J's office. It was quite large considering it was one of the smallest bathrooms. At least that's what the guy said. You braided your hair to the side so it didn't look as dirty as it really was. You fixed up your makeup as well.
Once you finished you headed to his office, your heels thumping on the hard wood floor. You found the office easily being it had such large double doors. You knocked lightly on the right door. "Come in doll face." J responded.
You opened the door and walked in, closing it behind you. "Sit, and let us talk about the rules you must follow for you to be here."


Aha thank you for reading this far. I'm amazed anyone has even read this. Please do give feedback, that's all I ask. Thanks!

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