Jasmine's POV

I got to the penthouse and saw a sticky note on the door. It said 'Dear Jasmine, Me and your Dad have gone out to the Symphony and we knew it was not something you would enjoy so we did not want to disturb you for no reason.
P.S Andi is inside so make sure she doesn't break anything.'
I laughed at how they don't trust my best friend alone. I threw the note away and went inside to see Andi on the couch texting away. "Hey girly texting your boyfriend are you?" I said in a high pitched voice. Her head turned in my direction. "What no I'm just talking to Kayla. "The only thing Kay talks about is fashion and boys so who are you really texting?" I questioned. "Fine I'm talking to Rocky." She conceded. "Aw, are you two Bf and Gf." I squealed. "Yeah but we're definitely not like you and Ross." She quickly added. "Andi the tomboy is finally turning into a real girl." I said wiping away fake tears. "Well I'm going to go change but we're going to talk about this more." I sighed. I went up stairs to change. I picked out a black tank top with a tiger face on the front and jean shorts. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I got out I changed and went back downstairs. Andi was now laying on the couch flipping through channels. I plopped down on the loveseat next to it. "So, have you and Rocky went public yet?" I asked her. "No, but we will at their next concert ." She explained. "Oh, by the way their all coming over in about half an hour." She reminded. "Who is all?" I asked. "You know R5 plus Ryland." "Ok I'm going to the local animal shelter call me if they come." I said while putting on a pair of black converse and walking out the door. I went down the elevator thinking of how things have changed so fast in the span of 24 hours. I'm dating my celebrity crush, my best friend is dating his brother and I finally talked about Nick after 2 years. It was like talking about him to Ross was a weight lifted off my shoulders that I didn't even know was there. But the only thing that came to mind was what Rydel said about Ross. Hate. I hadn't noticed Ross getting any hate even before the M&G where I met him but then again maybe it was because I was so busy with finishing my school year that I didn't have enough time to check my feeds on my Twitter or Instagram accounts. I might talk to him about that later. The elevator doors opened and I stepped out walking to my car. As I was on the highway I remembered I need to make a ship name for Andi and Rocky. Maybe Anocky, no Rondi yes wait , Randi. Yes! That's it. I now arrived at the Animal Shelter so I walked in and to the cats section. I picked out an American Short-Hair that was white and black. I bought a cage and all the other things I needed for it. I put Jinx (The cat) in its carry on cage, paid for everything and headed home. 'Your hot then your cold, your yes then your no, your in than your out, your up than your down' my 'Hot N' Cold' Katy Perry ringtone for Andi went off.
Andi: R5 and Ryland are at the penthouse now plus Rylands girlfriend and Ross looks like a lost puppy without u.
Me: Aww! Tell him I'll be there in a bit.
With that I started my car and went to the penthouse. Once I was there I parked my car and headed inside the lobby.
I saw a messy blonde hair guy with his back facing me, on one of the lobby couches. When I saw his blonde hair it made me think of Ross so I walked faster to the elevator when I heard:
"Hey Jasmine, wait!" I turned to see that the blonde guy was in fact Ross. "Hey Ross I thought you were with the rest." I questioned, confused as to why he was alone in the lobby. "Yea but Andi said you would be coming in a few minutes so I waited down here for you." He stuffed his hands in his pants pockets. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. he took his hands out of his pockets and put one arm around my shoulder, one around my lower back and propped his chin on my head. "Wanna go up now?" I asked pulling my head back so I can look at him. "Sure." He smiled pecking my lips. I held his hand and stepped into the elevator. "So how did you manage to come down here if your afraid of heights?" I asked pressing the button that lead to the floor I live on. "Well gotta get over fears someday plus I just imagined you were by my side." He smiled, tilting his head to face me like a cute puppy. "Aww that's so sweet." I squealed kissing his cheek. We walked inside where everyone was. "Hey you must be the girl Ross was drooling over all morning while we were having band practice." Ellington said to me. "Yea that's me I'm Jasmine." I smirked at Ross who's cheeks were a light tint of red. "Wait! I know you your the girl who complimented my shirt." Ellington said snapping his fingers. I laughed and sat on the loveseat with Ross. He did the did the classic yawn and stretch. "I've always wanted to do that." He whispered thinking I didn't hear. I giggled at his silliness and started a conversation with Andi about the upcoming surfing competition. "So I was thinking you should enter." Andi said. "I don't know." I sighed licking my lips and tracing the scar on the back of my neck from the accident last year. "Come on ever heard the expression if you fall off the horse get back up again... or something like that." She was confusing herself with a expression. "Andi this isn't a horse it's a surfboard in a sharks territory." I said remembering the day I stopped surfing. "Hey at least you didn't lose a limb." Andi shrugged. "I know and I'm grateful but the thought of actually having one amputated by a shark keeps me off a board." "Yea well at least with a shark you won't have to be put to sleep during the operation." She joked. I laughed and turned around wondering why everyone else has been silent. I saw they had all been listening to and my friend. "Wait you used to compete in surfing?" Riker asked. "Dude out of all of she said that what your surprised at." Ross asked, swinging his hand towards the back of Rikers head but he ducked before Ross' hand had impact with his head. "So a shark attacked you." Ross asked placing a hand on my knee. "Yea but I still got two arms and legs so I'm good." I said trying to lighten the mood. "Did it bite you?" Here come the questions. "Technically no but I have a scar on my neck and back from where it's top teeth dug in." I answered. "So if it closed its mouth it would have beheaded you?!" Ellington screeches with wide eyes. "I've never thought about that." I mumbled. "Alright enough questions I'm trying to persuade her to enter the competition not make sure she never steps into the ocean again." Andi said waving her hands. "I'll think about it." I said just so I could keep her quiet about that topic for awhile. Both my brother and sister came home a few minutes after that conversation. "Oh guys I would like you to meet my siblings Jason and Jessica, Jas and Jess this is R5, Ryland and his girlfriend Savannah." I said introducing them. "Hey Jass isn't that the guy-" "So where were you guys." I said because he was probably going to say 'the guy you have shirtless posters of.' referring to Ross. Which reminded me that I need to take those specific ones down in case Ross ever goes in my room again. "Uh we were at the mall cause Jessica just had to buy a whole store out." He exaggerates. She slapped the back of his head making me high-five her. Basically after that all the guys went to our game room to play Halo or whatever other battle game guys play, While us girls went to my room to talk. "I can't believe Ross and Rocky finally got themselves girlfriends." Rydel said sitting on one of my mini couches in my room. "Poor Riker though his the only single one." Savannah pitched in. "Jasmine you technically set up Rocky and Ross since your dating one of them you know anyone for Riker." Rydel asked. "One of my friends sister probably she likes blondes and she's 22." I suggested. "Perfect, when should we set them up." She asked already excited to get involved with her brothers love life. "Yea her name is Olivia but most people call her Liv and my parents are having a party for a work promotion and our dads work together (Jasmines and the Lynches) so I could invite Liv and set them up there." I said. After that we all just talked about random things.

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