
•Jasmines POV•

I woke up to see the space next to me empty and hear a harsh whispers close by. I turned to see Ross quietly yelling into his phone, and he didn't seem so calm.

I remained silent trying to hear at least one side of the argument with whoever was on the other end.

What? I have a right to know when Ross is upset... It's part of being a concerned girlfriend. Also a thing called insecurity but whatever.

"No Courtney, you broke up with me, you're the one who didn't take our 'relationship' seriously. I'm over you and am happily dating Jasmine so get over it and go back to your little secret lover you had when we dated!" He said not so quietly now.

Wait! He said Courtney, as in his ex girlfriend that was a frickin model?! And as it looks like, she wants him back! How am I suppose to compete with that?!?!

Wait Jasmine he said he was happy with you so what's to worry about? The fact that she's a famous model? Yea that's it.

I looked up when I saw Ross turn his phone off and toss it on the empty space beside me on his bed.

"Oh! Your up, morning." He sighed and walked up to me to kiss my forehead. "Something wrong?" I asked, testing to see if he would open up to me.

He looked at me hesitantly then sighed, brushing his hands in his hair as he sat down by my hip.

"Babe, so you know about how there used to be 'Rourtney' right?" He asked slowly.

"Yea, I know how you and Courtney used to date why?" I questioned, my protective and territorial girlfriend side pricking through.

"She called me and-" He bit his lips nervously and continued.

"Well she said she wanted to get back together with me..."

"A-are you leaving me." I asked, tears surfacing my eyes, slowly spilling over onto my cheeks.

His eyes widen and his lips parted, he said nothing, that made me cry harder.

"Wha- what? Baby no! I would never leave you I absolutely love you! Courtney's a thing of the past, but your not. Your always going be the one my future will be with, never forget that." His voice fades out as he talks.

I was no longer crying of fright, I was crying of happiness, what he just said proved his true colors and to be honest, I've never seen colors so bright and love filled.

Even though we basically told each other we loved each other since the beginning of our relationship, those words that he just spoke touched my heart tenderly, caressing it like it was a beautiful and fragile item he never wanted to break or let go.

"That was so beautiful, I could never compare to the sweet words you just said." I said in a hushed tone, not daring to trust my quivering voice at the moment.

"You can thank me with a kiss." He smiled.

I giggled and leaned in, watching his hazel eyes flutter shut, mine soon following. It was the typical kiss between us, sparks flying, fireworks erupting and the cliché yet lovable feeling of affection and passion.

I lived for these moments with Ross where we didn't have to talk to know how we feel about each other. It was indescribable, in an amazing way.

I pulled back to see a smile placed on his lips. "I will never get tired of that." I heard his soft voice mutter.

"Me either." I smiled and leaned my head in his shoulder.

"Hey guys hate to ruin a Rasmine moment but me and Rocky made some pancakes." Rydel said, coming into Ross' room.

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